1979 5.03 1981

Vol.5 n°3 march 1980

Vol.5 n°3 march 1980


[editor : Carl T. Helmers Jr.] [publisher : Virginia Londoner, Gordon R Williamson] [art : Wai Chiu Li, Christine Dixon, Holly Carmen LaBossiere, Deborah Porter] [cover : Robert Tinney] #Magazine

p.4 On the cover

p.4 On the cover


This month's cover theme is "Computers in the Laboratory." Personal computers can be employed as a tool of analysis and control in scientific applications. We celebrate this theme with a fantasy suggestive of one area of scientific application: an advanced color-graphics-oriented personal computer is shown over a Bunsen burner on a beaker stand. On the terminal is a high-resolution image of some liquid boiling. This computer, without floppy-disk drives, certainly suggests a future direction: built-in, permanent mass storage with sufficient capacity to eliminate any need for removable media. We might even conjecture that a pattern is shown here being "boiled" into a bubble memory.

p.6 Editorial

p.6 Editorial

Hunting the Computerized Eclipse

[author : Carl Helmers] #Edito

Extract : «  As noted last month, the subject of this editorial is completing some technical details of a project that has consumed all my spare time during the closing months of 1979. This project is the practical execution of what was really a pipe dream last March when the July 1979 editorial ("Computers and Eclipses") was written. The July editorial was inspired by my travels the previous February to see my first total solar eclipse from a roadside near Roundup, Montana. During that event, which took place in cold wintry weather, all my pictures were taken manually using the telephoto lens on my Nikon F2A camera. I knew there had to be a better way of controlling my camera during an eclipse event, and set about concocting a suitable first approximation of a computer-control method.

As a result of writing about the problem, I received a letter from and eventually met one of our readers, Norm Whyte, of Monte Rio, California. In the course of the ensuing correspondence and telephone calls, we developed a degree of friendship based on mutual interests in matters scientific and technological. The result was that since there were a couple of berths left in the travel plans for Norm's eclipse trip to Kenya during February 1980, I was able to become more serious about making a real version of the fantasy sketch outlined in last July's editorial.

With the decision to go made, the next decision was how to implement the system. The number one step, of course, was to order a motor drive and a magazine back for the Nikon camera. I quickly came to the conclusion that if I were going to travel all the way to Kenya to watch 4 minutes of celestial follies, more than thirty-six exposures would be appropriate. The Peterborough Camera Shop did their job, so by September I had the motor drive, and I had the magazine-back and bulk-loading accessories by mid-October. The camera system and methods of developing a 250-frame roll in a small batch tank were debugged at the camera store in November, through the efforts of its owner Wayne Esty and lab technician Skip DeLiquori. [...]  »






Steve tells you how the Intel 8088 is well-suited for building a minimum-configuration 16-bit computer.

[author : Steve Ciarcia] #Microprocessor #Electronic

Extract : «  [...] The exciting items in microcomputing these days are the 16-bit microprocessors made by companies such as Intel (the 8086), Zilog (the Z8000) and Motorola (the M68000). All of these devices, although they differ in internal architectures, commonly claim to have compressed the power of a minicomputer within a single chip of silicon. Most notably are the 16-bit data bus and increased addressing space. A 20-bit address can directly address a megabyte of memory.

There seems to be little doubt in the minds of microcomputer-system designers that the 16-bit processors are the wave of the future. Already some major manufacturers are designing the new processors into intelligent terminals, word-processing systems, and other equipment. The day when this revolution within a revolution will affect the personal and small-business computer market-place is not too far away.

But if it is obvious that the 16-bit machines will be the trend of future product technology, it is equally obvious that it is relatively difficult for the designer to make a leap from the 8-bit world of the 8080, Z80, 6800 and 6502 to the emerging 16-bit world. The 16-bit instruction sets are more complex. The 8086, for instance, has a repertoire of some 133 instructions, as compared to seventy-eight for the 8080. Simply because of the larger range of memory that can be addressed and because of address segmentation, addressing of memory is more advanced. Also, the register set is more complicated, and the types of operands with which the processor can work are more extensive.

As complex as the 8086 or any other 16-bit microprocessor is from a software viewpoint, it is in the design of hardware circuits to work with the 16-bit processors where the real complexities arise. Peripheral interfaces and existing hardware systems are generally based on an 8-bit data bus. When your whole design is built to make efficient use of an 8-bit data bus, converting to a 16-bit architecture is not a simple matter of replacing the processor. This incompatibility dictates substantial design changes to take advantage of the new 16-bit microprocessor. [...]  »



Learn how to use a computer to explore the inner processes of a molecule by finding solutions to the Schrödinger wave equation.

[author : Michael Liebl] #Listing #BASIC #Mathematics #Physics #Book

Extract : «  Years spent subconsciously gathering and sifting data in our daily lives gives each of us a common sense intuition for the laws of nature. But our intuitive understanding of how nature works often fails when we explore worlds beyond the realm of common experience. In the submicroscopic world of atoms and molecules, matter exhibits unexpected behavior attributable to its dual nature as particle and wave. Scientists interpret this world with the aid of quantum mechanics, a discipline that more often than not involves long and complicated mathematical operations.

The computer, by virtue of the ease and speed with which it handles such operations, has become an invaluable tool in the quantum-mechanical study of atoms and molecules. This article describes a program written in BASIC which allows anyone with an elementary understanding of quantum mechanics to investigate the behavior of an electron in the bond formed between two atoms in a diatomic molecule. [...]  »



After developing a general algorithm last month, Scott now explores several modifications that may be applied to typical conflict-simulation problems.

[author : Scott T Jones] #Method

Extract : «  In part 1 some general terrain problems were defined. These were problems that could be expressed in terms of movement on a map, with terrain defined as any map feature affecting movement. By superimposing a rectangular grid and coordinate system on these maps, we were then able to represent the terrain with a set of boolean arrays or terrain masks. Movement, distance, and the concept of movement cost for different types of terrain were also defined. A scatter function was then defined to generate scatter maps representing all possible movement within the limits imposed by the terrain.

Finally, we demonstrated the use of these scatter maps to solve such problems as the feasibility of road construction within cost restraints and the determination of an optimal path between two points on a map, across variable terrain.

Part 2 is concerned with the application of these techniques to the problems encountered in conflict simulations. [...]  »



For hobby applications where an isolation transformer is too big and expensive, this relay-based circuit can provide some protection from power-line wiring errors.

[author : Neil Schneider and Bror Erickson] #Electronic

Extract : «  Several years ago while he was working with color organ circuits, a friend of mine connected a color organ to an All American Five radio receiver. For those of you who are too young to remember, the All American Five was a popular five-tube radio design containing no power transformer. To my friend's surprise, and fortunately not to his harm, the connection of his color organ to this radio resulted in foot-high flames as the audio output transformer burned.

The radio receiver had a "hot" internal chassis which was isolated from the outside world by its plastic case. The power cord was not polarized to connect the chassis to the low side of the AC power line. As my friend made his connection, he placed the 117 VAC power line current across the 8 ohm impedance audio-output secondary winding of the transformer, and across the speaker. This resulted in flames and a destroyed radio receiver. [...]  »



This game uses the Motorola MEK6800 D2 kit. It can be interfaced to display the landing approach on an oscilloscope.

[author : S J Houng] #Listing #Assembly #GameRacingPiloting #Book #Electronic

Extract : «  This article describes a program that simulates the landing of a jet-propelled craft on a random surface. The surface is generated by a random-number generator. As in photo 1, the craft can be steered vertically or horizontally by the firing of the main jet, the side jets, or both of them. During the dynamic simulation, the craft will move vertically along the central vertical line of the oscilloscope. The horizontal movement of the random surface causes the craft to appear to move in the opposite direction.

The sequence of the simulation is as follows:
• The dynamic equations of the craft are solved by Euler's method. The solutions are velocity and displacement.
• The craft is displayed according to the vertical displacement, and the jets are made visible when they are fired.
• The random surface is displayed relative to the horizontal displacement of the craft. There are 256 segments of random surface which form a continuous terrain. Only five surface segments are shown on the oscilloscope at one time.
• When the craft has touched down on the surface, the vertical and horizontal velocity are compared with the crash velocity. If the craft exceeds the crash velocity, it will disappear from the screen. If it lands safely, it will remain on the surface waiting for liftoff. [...]  »



An inexpensive way to add front-panel functions to a minimal microcomputer system.

[author : Albert S Woodhull] #Electronic #Listing #Assembly

Extract : «  How do you take the very first steps into learning about microprocessors? An article by Sol Libes ("Notes on Bringing up a Microcomputer," January 1978 BYTE, page 162) described a procedure for the initial testing of a homebrew microcomputer which uses simple procedures to determine whether or not address and control signals are functioning properly. The procedures described are effective, but in order to use them you need a way to load some programs into memory.

If you are building a kit or following a complete microcomputer design, then the details of input and output interfacing will be provided for — a bootstrap program will either be available in read-only memory or can be easily entered from a front panel. But suppose you are just feeling your way along, as I did. I had obtained an 8080A chip set through Intel's University Program, but I had no intention of building a real computer. I had full access to an Altair and an IMSAI at the college where I teach; I wanted only to learn a little about how the hardware worked. I certainly did not want to spend either the money or the time to imitate the Altair's front panel. The following is a description of how I solved this problem in an economical way. [...]  »



The program presented here uses the high-resolution graphics ability of the Apple II to give a visual representation of molecular bonding.

[author : Randall S Matthews] #Listing #BASIC #Physics #Graphics

Extract : «  To an organic chemist learning to program a newly acquired microcomputer (in my case, the 16 K byte Apple II), the challenge of "teaching" chemical principles to the computer naturally arises. For example: can the Apple II learn the rudiments of structural organic chemistry, and use that knowledge to assemble and draw simple molecules? This subject is usually covered early in the first semester of sophomore organic chemistry. I decided to write a BASIC program that would accept a hydrocarbon molecular formula as input, and then randomly construct a molecule fitting that formula and draw its structure using high-resolution graphics as output. [...]  »



This is a three-dimensional, 4-by-4-by-4, tic-tac-toe game that can play against a human opponent. The program has ten levels of expertise, is written in BASIC, and can be modified to run in two dimensions.

[author : J Roehrig] #Listing #BASIC #GameBoard

Extract : «  This article describes Super TIC, a program that plays three-dimensional (4 by 4 by 4) tic-tac-toe. It was written specifically for microprocessors and has the following features:
• It is fast, despite the fact that it checks every possible move. The response time is 13 seconds per move (worst case) using an IMSAI 8080 computer with North Star BASIC, and it averages less than six seconds per move.
• It gives a graphic display of the game (designed for a 24 line by 80 character terminal) without requiring a graphics board.
• It plays at ten different levels of skill without requiring modification of the program.
• One program line can be modified to change the program's strategy so that it plays defensively or aggressively.
• The modification of four lines (see listing 2) allows the game to be played in a two-dimensional 4 by 4 format. [...]  »





A first look at a personal computer from a company esteemed for its calculators and minicomputers.

[author : Christopher P Morgan] #ComputerDesktop #Review

Extract : «  A question often heard in personal computer circles is, "When is Hewlett-Packard going to bring out a personal computer?" The question has been answered, and the new HP-85 computer is quite a system.

Hewlett-Packard (HP) has long been a respected manufacturer of minicomputers, desktop calculators, and handheld calculators; the high quality of their electronic test equipment is well known to the engineering community. Hewlett-Packard also has the reputation for being a careful, conservative company, and the HP-85 is, not surprisingly, a logical outgrowth of their desktop and hand-held calculators.

We recently had the opportunity to audition the HP-85. Our preliminary findings are listed below. [...]  »



James provides us with a direct comparison of the TRS-80 computer with an IBM System/370.

[author : James R Lewis] #Listing #BASIC #Assembly #Performance

Extract : «  I have been asked to evaluate the performance characteristics of numerous hardware and software computer products in my capacity as a systems programmer. In late 1978 I acquired a Radio Shack TRS-80 personal computer system with Level I BASIC and 4 K bytes of memory. I did not consider a performance evaluation; after all, this was my own toy. I did not have to respond to any requests for performance improvements or evaluations. Only my personal satisfaction was important.

As it turned out, I was satisfied, but my friends and colleagues were not. They were continually asking, "How fast does your toy run?" or "What new tricks have you taught it now?" It seemed that a comprehensive performance testing and evaluation plan was called for. I decided to compare my TRS-80 personal computer with one of the IBM computers (a System/370-148) at work. Since I was also in the process of converting from Level I to Level II BASIC and acquiring more hardware, I wanted to see if I could verify the performance improvements claimed by Radio Shack. [...]  »



These authors describe a situation in which a specialized tool was replaced by a general-purpose minicomputer.

[author : Peter A Santi, John Fryhofer and Gregory Hansen] #Computer #DataAcquisition #Mathematics #Listing #Pascal

Extract : «  A planimeter is an instrument (formerly mechanical) for measuring the area of a two-dimensional figure by tracing its perimeter. Area measurements obtained from planimeters are useful for a variety of applications, such as cartography, geology, metallurgy and biology. Our biomedical application requires area and length measurements of irregularly shaped two-dimensional figures. To this end an electronic planimeter has been designed consisting of a Summagraphcs (Summagraphics) Bit Pad and a Terak microcomputer programmed in UCSD Pascal (Version 1.5).

In practice, a user specifies a scale factor and then traces the boundary line of a figure using either a stylus or a single-button cursor. To improve the accuracy of the area measurement, the program detects closure (ie: when the end of the tracing meets the beginning) and displays the calculations. You can trace additional figures with the same scale by using only the stylus or cursor switch. Using this electronic planimeter, area and perimeter length measurements are more accurate and can be obtained faster than with a mechanical planimeter. [...]  »



The need to convert an assembler mnemonic to the hexadecimal object code often occurs when programming the 8080 microprocessor family. Here is a helpful summary of related information.

[author : D Martin Harrell] #Assembly #Programming

Extract : «  Manual conversion between assembly language mnemonics and hexadecimal object code can be tedious — particularly if much code is involved. However, the task does not have to be overwhelming. A conversion table helps immensely and is also a good training aid for novice programmers. It presents the entire instruction set in compact form, revealing useful patterns, and also inconsistencies. [...]  »



Techniques to enable your computer to detect and correct typographical errors In assembly-language programs.

[author : Roger A McGregor] #Assembly #Programming

Extract : «  GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) is an expression heard so often by programmers that it is accepted as truth and even offered as an excuse for poorly written programs. It is a truism that ought to be examined, especially in the area of human prepared input that is typed.

If the instructions in figure 1a are entered instead of the correct instructions of figure 1b, the great majority of microprocessor assemblers will be unable to locate any of the program symbols. This inability compels the user to go through the tedious process of calling an edit program, making corrections, calling the assembler, and trying once more to assemble the source code, hoping that no new errors have been introduced. This procedure can be very time consuming; it is always frustrating. An examination of how the errors are detected in a normal assembler or compiler may shed light on how an automated correction can be attempted.

Normally, after a symbol has been segregated from the source text, it is passed to a symbol table lookup routine as a search argument. The function of the lookup routine is to find an entry in the symbol table whose symbol matches the search argument, and to either return that entry (a hit) or set some indicator to inform the calling routine of an unsuccessful search (a no-hit). Both hits and no hits are valid returns, depending on the pass being made on the source code. [...]  »



p.14 Letters

p.14 Letters

p.68 p.212 p.240 Programming Quickies

p.68 p.212 p.240 Programming Quickies

Gear-Ratio Calculations for Bicycle Derailleurs and many more

p.108 BYTE News

p.108 BYTE News

p.168 Book Reviews

p.168 Book Reviews


Extract : «  What Computers Can't Do, Hubert L Dreyfus, Harper and Row, New York, 1972, hardcover, 259 pages, $10.95 [...]

Brain, Mind and Computers, Stanley L Jaki, Gateway Editions, 1969, softcover, 267 pages, $4.95 [...]

Z80 Software Gourmet Guide and Cookbook, Nat Wadsworth, Scelbi Publications, 1979, softcover, 322 pages, $14.95 [...]

BASEX, Paul Warme, BYTE Books, Peterborough NH, 1979, softcover, 97 pages, $8 [...]  »

p.174 BYTE's Bits

p.174 BYTE's Bits

p.176 Clubs and Newsletters

p.176 Clubs and Newsletters

p.180 BYTE's Bugs

p.180 BYTE's Bugs

p.184 Product Review: Lucidata P-6800 Pascal

p.184 Product Review: Lucidata P-6800 Pascal

p.186 Technical Forum

p.186 Technical Forum

The Direct Impact of the Computer

Cutting the Gregorian Knot

p.208 Desktop Wonder

p.208 Desktop Wonder

The Periodic Chart at Your Fingertips....

p.218 Event Queue

p.218 Event Queue

p.246 What's New?

p.246 What's New?

p.287 Unclassified Ads

p.287 Unclassified Ads

p.288 Reader Service, BOMB

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ADS (content taken from the reader service p.288)

ADS (content taken from the reader service p.288)

p.167 Aardvark Software

p.167 Aardvark Software

p.266 AB Computers

p.266 AB Computers

p.284 p.285 Advanced Computer Prod

p.284 p.285 Advanced Computer Prod

p.191 AL Industries

p.191 AL Industries

p.268 ALL Electronics

p.268 ALL Electronics

p.106 p.107 Altos

p.106 p.107 Altos

p.258 American Square Computers

p.258 American Square Computers

p.272 Ampero Software

p.272 Ampero Software

p.79 Anadex Inc

p.79 Anadex Inc

p.176 Anderson Jacobson

p.176 Anderson Jacobson

p.127 Andicom Technical Products

p.127 Andicom Technical Products

p.187 Apparat

p.187 Apparat

p.229 Applied Computer Systems

p.229 Applied Computer Systems

p.272 Aristo/Polks

p.272 Aristo/Polks

p.194 p.203 Artec Electronics

p.194 p.203 Artec Electronics

p.273 ASAP Computer Products

p.273 ASAP Computer Products

p.13 Atari

p.13 Atari

p.258 ATV Research

p.258 ATV Research

p.145 Automated Simulations

p.145 Automated Simulations

p.219 Avionlc Enterprises (A.E.I.)

p.219 Avionlc Enterprises (A.E.I.)

p.27 AXIOM Corp

p.27 AXIOM Corp

p.268 B & W Energy Management Sys

p.268 B & W Energy Management Sys

p.235 Ballantine Books

p.235 Ballantine Books

p.175 BASF

p.175 BASF

p.273 Beckian

p.273 Beckian

p.258 John Bell

p.258 John Bell

p.225 Beta Computer Devices

p.225 Beta Computer Devices

p.198 Biotech Electronics

p.198 Biotech Electronics

p.207 Bishop Graphics

p.207 Bishop Graphics

p.168 p.268 BIZCOMP

p.168 p.268 BIZCOMP

p.121 The Bottom Shelf

p.121 The Bottom Shelf

p.59 BYTE Books

p.59 BYTE Books

p.243 BYTE Seminar

p.243 BYTE Seminar

p.139 Byte Shop East

p.139 Byte Shop East

p.239 BYTE Subscriber

p.239 BYTE Subscriber

p.192 C & S Electronics Mart

p.192 C & S Electronics Mart

p.14 p.15 California Computer Systems

p.14 p.15 California Computer Systems

p.258 California Data Corp

p.258 California Data Corp

p.279 California Digital

p.279 California Digital

p.239 California Software

p.239 California Software

p.195 Cambridge Development Labs

p.195 Cambridge Development Labs

p.272 CAP Electronics

p.272 CAP Electronics

p.133 Central Data

p.133 Central Data

p.272 Chafitz, Inc.

p.272 Chafitz, Inc.

p.174 p.180 Chrislin Industries

p.174 p.180 Chrislin Industries

p.269 Cleveland Consumer Computer & Components

p.269 Cleveland Consumer Computer & Components

p.100 Compas Micro Systems

p.100 Compas Micro Systems

p.19 Compucolor Corp

p.19 Compucolor Corp

p.63 CompuServe (microNET)

p.63 CompuServe (microNET)

p.263 Computer City

p.263 Computer City

p.268 Computer and Control Affiliates

p.268 Computer and Control Affiliates

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p.196 Computer Furniture & Accessories

p.196 Computer Furniture & Accessories

p.200 Computer Headware

p.200 Computer Headware

p.82 Computer Mart of NJ

p.82 Computer Mart of NJ

p.240 Computer Service Center

p.240 Computer Service Center

p.262 Computer Shopper

p.262 Computer Shopper

p.211 Computer Specialties

p.211 Computer Specialties

p.217 Computer Transceiver Sys (CTSI)

p.217 Computer Transceiver Sys (CTSI)

p.235 Computers Wholesale

p.235 Computers Wholesale

p.213 Computer World

p.213 Computer World

p.204 Computex

p.204 Computex

p.233 Corporate Computer Systems Inc

p.233 Corporate Computer Systems Inc

p.92 Corvus Systems

p.92 Corvus Systems

p.185 Cover Craft

p.185 Cover Craft

p.189 CP Products

p.189 CP Products

p.1 p.2 Cromemco

p.1 p.2 Cromemco

p.184 p.192 CT microCOMPUTER, Inc

p.184 p.192 CT microCOMPUTER, Inc

p.219 Cybernetics Inc

p.219 Cybernetics Inc

p.262 DAR Sales

p.262 DAR Sales

p.193 DataArt, Inc

p.193 DataArt, Inc



p.188 Data Discount Center

p.188 Data Discount Center

p.224 Datadisk Sys

p.224 Datadisk Sys

p.231 Datasouth Computers

p.231 Datasouth Computers



p.117 Delta Products

p.117 Delta Products

p.272 DES-MAR Electronics

p.272 DES-MAR Electronics

p.195 DG Electronics

p.195 DG Electronics

p.137 Digital Pathways

p.137 Digital Pathways

p.265 Digital Research: Computers

p.265 Digital Research: Computers

p.136 Digital Research Corp (CA)

p.136 Digital Research Corp (CA)

p.77 Digital Technology Inc

p.77 Digital Technology Inc

p.25 Digitus

p.25 Digitus

p.214 Disc/3 Mart Inc

p.214 Disc/3 Mart Inc

p.216 Dr Dobb's Journal

p.216 Dr Dobb's Journal

p.186 Dynacomp

p.186 Dynacomp

p.241 Dynamic Microprocessor Assoc.

p.241 Dynamic Microprocessor Assoc.

p.28 p.29 Eaton LRC

p.28 p.29 Eaton LRC

p.261 p.274 p.275 Electrolabs

p.261 p.274 p.275 Electrolabs

p.96 Electronic Control Technology

p.96 Electronic Control Technology

p.282 p.283 Electronic Systems

p.282 p.283 Electronic Systems

p.258 Electronic Technicians

p.258 Electronic Technicians

p.217 Escon

p.217 Escon

p.220 Essex Publishing

p.220 Essex Publishing

p.182 p.183 Exidy

p.182 p.183 Exidy

p.198 Factory Direct Sales

p.198 Factory Direct Sales

p.268 Faragher & Assoc

p.268 Faragher & Assoc

p.239 Farnsworth Computer

p.239 Farnsworth Computer

p.268 Feith Software

p.268 Feith Software

p.98 Financial Planning Associates

p.98 Financial Planning Associates

p.223 Five Stones Software

p.223 Five Stones Software

p.260 Fordham Radio Supply

p.260 Fordham Radio Supply

p.262 Frederick Computer Products

p.262 Frederick Computer Products

p.65 Freeland Intl Computer Shows

p.65 Freeland Intl Computer Shows

p.262 Fuller Software

p.262 Fuller Software

p.193 Futureworld

p.193 Futureworld

p.272 Gimix

p.272 Gimix

p.218 Global Parameters

p.218 Global Parameters

p.143 Godbout Electronics

p.143 Godbout Electronics

p.208 GR Electronics

p.208 GR Electronics

p.153 H & E Computronics

p.153 H & E Computronics

p.39 Hamilton/Avnet

p.39 Hamilton/Avnet

p.140 Hardside

p.140 Hardside

p.270 Hobby World

p.270 Hobby World

p.51 Houston Instrument

p.51 Houston Instrument

p.23 Industrial Micro Systems

p.23 Industrial Micro Systems

p.97 Infosoft Systems Inc

p.97 Infosoft Systems Inc

p.57 Intecolor

p.57 Intecolor

p.221 Integrand

p.221 Integrand

p.211 International Data Sciences

p.211 International Data Sciences

p.135 International Data Systems (IDS)

p.135 International Data Systems (IDS)

p.61 Intertec Data Systems

p.61 Intertec Data Systems

p.9 p.36 Ithaca Intersystems

p.9 p.36 Ithaca Intersystems

p.276 p.277 Jade Company

p.276 p.277 Jade Company

p.280 p.281 Jameco

p.280 p.281 Jameco

p.201 JRT Systems Inc

p.201 JRT Systems Inc

p.16 Konan Corp

p.16 Konan Corp

p.101 p.134 p.189 Lifeboat Associates

p.101 p.134 p.189 Lifeboat Associates

p.146 p.222 Macrotronics

p.146 p.222 Macrotronics

p.128 p.129 McGraw-Hill Book Company

p.128 p.129 McGraw-Hill Book Company

p.41 p.199 Measurement Sys & Controls

p.41 p.199 Measurement Sys & Controls

p.268 Metaresearch

p.268 Metaresearch

p.227 MICAH

p.227 MICAH

p.35 Micro Age Computer Stores

p.35 Micro Age Computer Stores

p.116 p.124 p.125 Microamerica Dist

p.116 p.124 p.125 Microamerica Dist

p.213 Micro Applications Group

p.213 Micro Applications Group

p.258 Micro Architect

p.258 Micro Architect

p.254 Micro Business World

p.254 Micro Business World

p.187 Microcomputer Technology Inc

p.187 Microcomputer Technology Inc

p.49 MicroDaSys

p.49 MicroDaSys

p.99 Micro Data Base Systems Inc

p.99 Micro Data Base Systems Inc

p.5 Micro Diversions (Scion Corp.)

p.5 Micro Diversions (Scion Corp.)

p.191 Micro Innovations Corp

p.191 Micro Innovations Corp

p.217 Micro Integration

p.217 Micro Integration

p.219 Micromail

p.219 Micromail

p.190 Micro Management Systems

p.190 Micro Management Systems

p.268 Micro Mart

p.268 Micro Mart

p.177 Micro Mikes

p.177 Micro Mikes

p.202 Micro Music

p.202 Micro Music

p.228 p.229 Micropolis

p.228 p.229 Micropolis

p.262 Micro Products Unlimited

p.262 Micro Products Unlimited

p.88 p.89 Micro Pro International

p.88 p.89 Micro Pro International

p.199 p.258 Microsette

p.199 p.258 Microsette

p.109 Microsoft

p.109 Microsoft

p.47 Microtek

p.47 Microtek



p.225 Microware Associates

p.225 Microware Associates

p.160 The Micro Works

p.160 The Micro Works

p.166 Micro World

p.166 Micro World

p.195 Midwest Computer Peripherals

p.195 Midwest Computer Peripherals

p.264 Mikos

p.264 Mikos

p.190 Mini Computer Suppliers

p.190 Mini Computer Suppliers

p.181 p.206 Mini Micro Mart Inc

p.181 p.206 Mini Micro Mart Inc

p.55 Morrow/Thinker Toys

p.55 Morrow/Thinker Toys

p.111 p.207 Mountain Hardware

p.111 p.207 Mountain Hardware

p.258 Multi Business Computer Sys

p.258 Multi Business Computer Sys

p.197 National Artificial Intelligence Lab (NAIL)

p.197 National Artificial Intelligence Lab (NAIL)

p.259 NCE/CompuMart

p.259 NCE/CompuMart

p.115 p.124 p.125 NEECO

p.115 p.124 p.125 NEECO

p.138 p.179 Netronics

p.138 p.179 Netronics

p.272 New England Recruiters

p.272 New England Recruiters

p.31 North Star

p.31 North Star

p.262 Northwest Computer Services

p.262 Northwest Computer Services

p.172 Novation

p.172 Novation

p.161 NRI Schools

p.161 NRI Schools

(p.CIV) Ohio Scientific Instrument

(p.CIV) Ohio Scientific Instrument

p.105 OK Machine and Tool

p.105 OK Machine and Tool

p.189 OK Machine & Tool

p.189 OK Machine & Tool

p.272 The Old Association

p.272 The Old Association

p.91 Olivetti

p.91 Olivetti

p.33 onComputing

p.33 onComputing

p.42 p.43 Onyx Sys., Inc.

p.42 p.43 Onyx Sys., Inc.

p.241 Optimal Technology

p.241 Optimal Technology

p.103 Oregon Software

p.103 Oregon Software

p.171 Osborne/McGraw-Hill

p.171 Osborne/McGraw-Hill

p.213 Owens Associates

p.213 Owens Associates

p.78 Pace Inc

p.78 Pace Inc

p.199 Pacific Exchanges

p.199 Pacific Exchanges

p.278 Page Digital

p.278 Page Digital

p.214 PAIA

p.214 PAIA

p.221 Pan American Elec (A Radio Shack Auth. Sales Ctr.)

p.221 Pan American Elec (A Radio Shack Auth. Sales Ctr.)

p.67 p.71 p.72 p.73 Per Com Data

p.67 p.71 p.72 p.73 Per Com Data

p.93 p.95 Personal Software

p.93 p.95 Personal Software

p.197 p.221 Pickles & Trout

p.197 p.221 Pickles & Trout

p.268 Potter's Programs

p.268 Potter's Programs

p.80 Power One

p.80 Power One

p.255 p.256 p.257 Priority One

p.255 p.256 p.257 Priority One

p.227 The Q Kit (Div J R Conwell)

p.227 The Q Kit (Div J R Conwell)

p.233 Quality Software

p.233 Quality Software

p.271 Quest

p.271 Quest

p.233 RACET Computes

p.233 RACET Computes

p.267 Radio Hut

p.267 Radio Hut

p.131 Radio Shack

p.131 Radio Shack

p.205 Raygam

p.205 Raygam

p.226 RBB

p.226 RBB

p.152 RCA Solid State

p.152 RCA Solid State

p.241 Reliable Cash Register

p.241 Reliable Cash Register

p.18 RITAM International Corp

p.18 RITAM International Corp

p.236 RNB Enterprises

p.236 RNB Enterprises

p.119 Robotics Age

p.119 Robotics Age

p.215 S-100, Inc

p.215 S-100, Inc

p.159 Howard W. Sams Company

p.159 Howard W. Sams Company

p.185 Sara Tech

p.185 Sara Tech

p.211 SCDP

p.211 SCDP

p.154 p.155 Scelbi

p.154 p.155 Scelbi

p.113 Scientific American

p.113 Scientific American

p.94 SciTronics

p.94 SciTronics

p.69 p.235 Seattle Computer Products

p.69 p.235 Seattle Computer Products

p.157 Michael Shrayer

p.157 Michael Shrayer

p.6 p.7 Shugart

p.6 p.7 Shugart

p.224 Sigma International

p.224 Sigma International

p.78 Sirius Systems

p.78 Sirius Systems

p.169 Small Business Applications

p.169 Small Business Applications

p.229 Ed Smith's Software Works

p.229 Ed Smith's Software Works

p.53 Smoke Signal Broadcasting

p.53 Smoke Signal Broadcasting

p.86 Softagon Inc

p.86 Softagon Inc

p.227 Softape

p.227 Softape

p.185 Softech

p.185 Softech

p.141 The Software Exchange

p.141 The Software Exchange

p.262 The Software Farm

p.262 The Software Farm

p.90 The Soft Warehouse

p.90 The Soft Warehouse

p.264 Solid State Sales

p.264 Solid State Sales

p.272 Sorrento Valley Associates

p.272 Sorrento Valley Associates

(p.CII) Southwest Tech Prod Corp

(p.CII) Southwest Tech Prod Corp

p.11 SSM

p.11 SSM

p.237 The Stackworks

p.237 The Stackworks

p.165 Strategic Simulations, Inc.

p.165 Strategic Simulations, Inc.

p.144 SubLOGIC

p.144 SubLOGIC

p.270 Sunny International

p.270 Sunny International

p.149 p.209 Supersoft

p.149 p.209 Supersoft

p.75 p.100 Sybex

p.75 p.100 Sybex

p.85 Synchro Sound

p.85 Synchro Sound

p.81 Tab Books

p.81 Tab Books

p.123 Tarbell Electronics

p.123 Tarbell Electronics

p.87 Tech Sys Consultants (TSC)

p.87 Tech Sys Consultants (TSC)

p.158 Tec-Mar

p.158 Tec-Mar

p.21 Televideo

p.21 Televideo

p.262 Theta Labs Inc

p.262 Theta Labs Inc

p.225 3 G Company Inc

p.225 3 G Company Inc

(p.CIII) Robert Tinney Graphics

(p.CIII) Robert Tinney Graphics

p.188 TransNet

p.188 TransNet

p.76 United Software of America

p.76 United Software of America

p.45 Universal Data Systems

p.45 Universal Data Systems

p.223 US Robotics

p.223 US Robotics

p.258 Vantage Data Products

p.258 Vantage Data Products

p.200 Vector Electronic Co

p.200 Vector Electronic Co

p.178 Vertec

p.178 Vertec

p.286 Vista Computer Company

p.286 Vista Computer Company

p.266 VR Data

p.266 VR Data

p.260 Wameco

p.260 Wameco

p.173 Western I/O

p.173 Western I/O

p.151 Whitesmith's Ltd

p.151 Whitesmith's Ltd

p.173 p.244 John Wiley & Sons, Inc

p.173 p.244 John Wiley & Sons, Inc

p.262 Wintek

p.262 Wintek

p.240 Worldwide Electronics

p.240 Worldwide Electronics

p.215 ZS Systems

p.215 ZS Systems