A continued description of an 8088-based system that shares its principles of operation with the IBM Personal Computer.
[author : Steve Ciarcia]
A section devoted entirely to games and gaming begins here.
With so many games available for microcomputers and cartridge systems, you can play forever.
[author : Pamela Clark and Gregg Williams]
A vector-display game system brings true arcade adventures into the home - all for less than $200.
[author : Pamela Clark]
Can you tell an Apple from a TRS-80 when they're stripped of their outer trappings? Find out by taking this quiz that tests your skill in recognizing printed-circuit boards.
Atari's prized and prolific creator of games discusses some of the special techniques he uses.
[author : Chris Crawford]
A trajectory game that shoots electrons through stationary ions. It's the second-place winner in the BYTE Game Contest.
[author : C. Anthony Ray]
The first-place winner in the BYTE Game Contest is a realtime space strategy game.
[author : Alan Sartori-Angus]
[author : Gregg Williams]
[author : Russell Kavanagh]
[author : Chris Morgan]
[author : Stan Wszola]
Explore the Atari's ANTIC 4 and 5 modes.
[author : Tim Kilby]
Unaccustomed as he is to voicing his opinions, Jerry drops just a few hints.
[author : Jerry Pournelle]
Two new synthesizers make headway in the evolutionary process toward the ultimate computer music system.
[author : Robert A. Moog]
Modern-day synthesizers are direct descendants of analog computers.
[author : Robert A. Moog]
Hardware-intensive applications can show off the power of hardware.
[author : Howard Boyet and Ron Katz]
Data entry can be shortened and simplified by using Problem Oriented Language.
[author : Mark Finger]
A straightforward look at design with dynamic devices.
[author : Rob Belics]
Useful diagnostic information is not hard to obtain, as an example coded for the 8080 processor shows.
[author : H. R. Pinnick Jr.]
Add intelligence to your latest project at minimal expense.
[author : David L. Craig]
[author : Christopher Kern]
[author : joAnne Benedict]
[author : Rowland Archer]
[author : Jack L. Abbott]
Video games are taking the country by storm, They provide thousands of youngsters and adults alike with hours of exciting play. Their attraction forms a complex web of challenge, high-speed action, and intrigue. Video games offer a temporary alternative to workaday problems and worries. And, as Robert Tinney's cover suggests, they transport you into another world. Swiftly moving out of the arcades and into the homes, video games for microcomputers have grown into a booming industry of their own, In keeping with this national game wave and the playful spirit of the holiday season, we have put together a section devoted exclusively to games (see page 83), Game Plan 1982 includes "The Coinless Arcade-Rediscovered" by Pamela Clark and Gregg Williams; reviews of four games in BYTE's new Game Grid; the first-and second-place Game Contest Winners, " Cosmic Conquest" by Alan Sartori-Angus and "Charge !" by C. Anthony Ray, respectively; an article by Chris Crawford of Atari on "Design Techniques and Ideals for Computer Games," a quiz called "Board to Death" that will test your skill in recognizing printed-circuit boards;, and more, We have our first annual update of the BYTE Cumulative Index, We present the second part of Steve Ciarcia's three-part article "Build the Circuit Cellar MPX-16 Computer System." Gregg Williams describes "Lotus Development Corporation's 1-2-3," And we have Jerry Pournelle's User's Column plus our regular features and reviews,