The conclusion of a six-part series that covers fundamental issues in computer interfacing.
[author : Steve Leibson]
Computer-generated stories and poems shed some light on the complex process known as creativity.
[author : Kevin McKean]
Silicon replaces gunpowder for producing sound effects.
[author : Steve Ciarcia]
Two archaeologists design practical programs in the language their colleagues understand.
[author : Ned Heite and Lou Heite]
A Pascal program helps predict the outcome of arms races and other two-party conflicts.
[author : Philip A. Schrodt]
Your computer can take the tedium out of the process of writing and put new life into the final product.
[author : Wayne Holder]
The microcomputer promises to change the nature of historical research methods and the teaching of history.
[author : Don Karl Rowney]
A BASIC program gives surprising insights into some of the forces that hamper integration.
[author : Edwin Dethlefsen and Carlisle Moody]
This BASIC program gives microcomputer owners sophisticated attitudemeasurement tools once the domain of politicians and big corporations.
[author : David R. Heise]
Microcomputers on-site help the study of Navajo and other cultures.
[author : Oswald Werner]
An inveterate user of microcomputers expresses firm opinions on hardware, software, and other subjects.
[author : Jerry Pournelle]
An end user and a system programmer examine the two operating systems vying for dominance in the 16-bit arena.
[author : Roger Taylor and Phil Lemmons]
Some mysteries of the TRS-80 Model I and III RS-232C interface are solved and instructions are given for building a data communications plugboard.
[author : William Barden Jr.]
This program helps managers assess the productivity trade-offs of time and money.
[author : Steven Zimmerman and Leo M. Conrad]
A firsthand report on the newest products introduced at the Seventh West Coast Computer Faire.
[author : Jerry Pournelle]
[author : Mark Dahmke]
[author : Robert Welborn]
[author : Colin Stearman]
[author : Allen D. Moore]
[author : Jack L. Abbott]
The availability of small, powerful, and inexpensive computers has brought the power of the computer out of its traditional domain-science, mathematics, engineering, and business-data processing-and into the hands of historians, anthropologists, artists, musicians, political scientists, and others involved in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. Philip Schrodt (of "The Generic Word Processor" fame) presents a program to predict wars in his article "Microcomputers in the Study of Politics." Kevin McKean shows how computers can spin tall yarns in "Computers, Fiction, and Poetry,"and Wayne Holder helps you spin them yourself in "Software Tools for Writers." Ned and Lou Heite present their views on what is needed to advance the use of computers in the humanities in "Breaking the Jargon Barrier: Designing Programs for Humanists." We also have a computer simulation of neighborhood segregation, a program for measuring people's attitudes, and more. Roger Taylor and Phil Lemmons conclude their two-part article "Upward Migration" with an in-depth comparison of CPIM-86 and MS-DOS, and their findings may surprise you. Jerry Pournelle gives his impressions of the West Coast Computer Faire in "Computers for Humanity," Steve Ciarcia shows you how to create sound effects with your computer, and William Barden Jr. illustrates how to use the RS-232C port on TRS-80 Models I and III. A generous sprinkling of product reviews and regular features round out our July issue.