[editor : Christopher Morgan] [publisher : Virginia Londoner, Gordon R Williamson, John E Hayes] #Magazine
Local-area networks are a means of sharing information and resources among many personal computers located within a relatively short distance of each other. As Robert Tinney's cover illustrates, each station in the network is linked physically to the others, but each also can operate independently. The local networks themselves need not operate in a void; gateways can link them with other networks thousands of miles away. To expand on this month's theme, we present an assortment of articles, including "Local-Area Networks: Possibilities for Personal Computers," "Ultra-Low-Cost Network for Personal Computers," and "Network Tools-Ideas for Intelligent Network Software." In addition, Steve Ciarcia helps you "Build an Intelligent EPROM Programmer," and Martin Hayman discusses "Software Protection in the United Kingdom." We have "The Atari Tutorial, Part 2: Graphics Indirection," and C A Johnson advises on how to "Prepare Your Program for Publication." Of course, you can also enjoy our regular features and much more.
[author : Chris Morgan] #Edito
Extract : « Buzzwords are a way of life in the computer industry, and the latest buzz- word (or, to be more correct, buzz-phrase) among computer cognoscenti is the local network. Networks in one form or another have been with us for some time. IBM's SNA network and the X25 public network from ISO (International Standards Organization), used by Tymenet and Telenet, are systems designed to transmit huge amounts of data over long distances. But recently a whole new industry has sprung up to serve personal computer owners who want to send electronic mail or share the other resources of a local network. This month we present several articles about local networks, including one written by Harry J Saal, President of Nestar Systems Inc, called "Local-Area Networks: Possibilities for Personal Computers." It's an excellent overview of local networks, their history, and the current state of the art. Much of the impetus behind the blossoming local-network field comes from Ethernet, Xerox's high-end local network system that can transmit up to 10 megabits per second (Mbps) of information between users. You may have seen the recent television advertisements for the Ethernet system. [...] »
The computer glare embraces software compatibility and support for independent peripheral manufacturers.
[author : Phil Lemmons] #ComputerDesktop #Review
Extract : « IBM (International Business Machines Corporation) has at last introduced the keenly anticipated IBM Personal Computer. Based on Intel Corporation's 8088 microprocessor, the new machine is slated to appear in stores this month, with various hardware options, at prices ranging from $1565 to more than $5000. Color graphics are built in, and up to 256 K bytes of user memory may be installed.
The hardware is impressive, but even more striking are two decisions made by IBM: to use outside software suppliers already established in the microcomputer industry, and to provide information and assistance to independent, small-scale software writers and manufacturers of peripheral devices.
The list of software sources includes Microsoft, Digital Research, Personal Software, Peachtree Software, Softech Microsystems, and Information Unlimited Software. For hardware configurations including floppy-disk drives, IBM will sell three different disk operating systems: CP /M-86 from Digital Research, the UCSD p-System from Softech Microsystems, and IBM Personal Computer DOS, developed by Microsoft in imitation of CP/M. IBM isn't trying to force the world to choose between the IBM DOS and other popular operating systems. The published documentation of IBM Personal Computer DOS will include the source-code listing of the BIOS (basic input/output system), and of the diagnostic programs executed automatically when the computer is turned on. [...] »
With a Z8-BASIC Microcomputer, you can easily put together a versatile programmer for 2716 EPROMs.
[author : Steve Ciarcia] #Electronic #Algorithm #Listing #BASIC #Memory #Book
Extract : « Longtime followers of the activities in Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar may remember an incident I wrote about a few years ago. My friend Jerry needed to program an EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory) device in a hurry for a demonstration at his computer club. The EPROM- programming arrangement we devised gave me the idea for the article "Program Your Next EPROM in BASIC" (March 1978 BYTE, page 84), in which I presented a design for an inexpensive programming circuit and told how to drive it with software written in a high-level language.
EPROM technology has advanced considerably since then. In 1978, the type-2708 EPROM chip, which requires a three-voltage power supply, was just becoming established, replacing the hard-to-program type-1702 EPROM device. Not only was the 2708 easier to program, it also held more data: 1 K (1024) 8-bit words, compared to 256 8-bit words stored by the 1702 EPROM. [...] »
The age of communication for personal cornputers has arrived; don't be left behind
[author : Ken Clements and Dave Daugherty] #Networks #Electronic #Protocol #HowItWorks
Extract : « [...] What stops most people from going ahead with their own networks is complexity, both in terms of cost and technical considerations. A typical coaxial network "box" may be as difficult to build and interface as was the computer you wanted to network. This stumbling block is particularly large for the computer junkie who owns no two pieces of hardware that are the same. He must come up with a new interface for each one.
But almost all those pieces of hardware have at least one RS-232 serial port. RS-232 was designed to provide point-to-point communication, and it requires some central manager "box" to produce a network. But with as little as one diode per port, two resistors for the ends, and a -12-volt (V) source, you can turn RS-232 into ULCNET, the Ultra-Low-Cost Network. [...] »
Graphics indirection lets you quickly change the colors used in the video display and redefine the Atari character set.
[author : Chris Crawford] #Graphics #HowItWorks #Listing #BASIC
Extract : « [...] Indirection provides a greater degree of generality and power to the programmer. Instead of trucking out the same old numbers every time something needs to be done, the programmer can simply point to them. By changing the pointer, the behavior of the program can be changed. Indirection is an important capability.
Graphics indirection is built into the Atari Personal Computer system in two ways: with color registers and character sets. Programmers using this computer after programming other systems often think in terms of direct colors. A color register is a more complex beast than a color. A color specifies a permanent value. A color register is indirect; it holds any color value. [...] »
The "one person, one computer" concept is improved with communications.
[author : Dr Harry J Saal] #Networks #Overview
Extract : « Today's technical press is filled with announcements of "local-area network" products and "personal computers." New technologies from billion-dollar corporations are being rivaled by products from small firms, in a field no more than a few years old. This article provides an overview of local-area networks and how they relate to personal computers. Defining local-area network is every bit as difficult as defining personal computer. Features, prices, and technology are distributed across a broad spectrum. Thus, we will try to describe the distinguishing characteristics of a local-area network—how to know one when you see one—and discuss some related system designs that are not local networks, but address many of the same requirements. [...] »
A checklist of professional touches that can make software sell
[author : C A Johnson] #Software #Tips #Experience
Extract : « "When I get my personal computer, I'm going to make it pay for itself. I have some ideas for programs that everyone will want to buy." Such dreams are shared by many prospective microcomputer buyers, some armed with a college programming course, others with experience writing programs for business.
What these aspiring software authors usually don't know is how to prepare a program with the best possible chances of being accepted, published, and marketed. As a result, they enter the highly competitive software market with a disadvantage that may even guarantee failure.
But programmers' pipe dreams can have happy endings. If you want to write software for publication, consider these steps toward success. [...]
Look at the Market [...]
Finding a Subject [...]
Remember the Hardware [...]
Not So Fast! [...]
Don't Forget Testing [...]
Now Is the Time [...] »
A London conference confronts the problem & software piracy.
[author : Martin Hayman] #TradeAndLaws #Software
Extract : « The first conference on software protection in the United Kingdom started with a joke and ended with a joke. In between, there was little to laugh about. In opening the conference, Alistair Kelman, a leading software copyright lawyer, told an old music-hall joke about an Englishman who asked an Irishman how to get to County Derry. The Irishman replied, "If I wanted to get to County Derry, I wouldn't start from here." In other words, Kelman suggested, if we had a choice in the matter of software protection, we would not set out from the point at which we find ourselves: ensnared by a tangled and thorny copyright law whose concepts spring from the days when the computer was little more than a fancy abacus in the mind of Charles Babbage.
The conference's closing joke came from retired software dealer and industry pundit Julian Allason, who proposed a "final solution" to the piracy problem: give the pirates free rein ! [...] »
A set of general modules provides a basis for networking.
[author : Peter B Reintjes] #Algorithm #Listing #Pascal #Networks
Extract : « [...] Most network software developments aim to define protocols with sufficient generality to last a decade or more. ARPAnet, X25, and Ethernet, all primarily computer-to- computer networks, are now the focus of computer vendors' attention.
But another group of networks uses computer-human interfaces to provide interactive services. News and mail systems, shopping marts for software releases, and bulletin boards all fall into this category.
In these networks, information clearly is not currency but instead the commodity being paid for. (You may become painfully aware of this upon receiving monthly bills from the telephone company and the "information utilities.")
As a personal computerist, you have special needs that should be taken into consideration by the networking software. Ideally, your home computer should become an intelligent node on the network, making the network connection process invisible to you. Under such a system, your computer can call up the information service at night, when rates are lowest and the network response time is probably at its best. [...] »
A little SLEEP can go a long way
[author : Wendell Brown] #OperatingSystem #Listing #BASIC #Assembly
Extract : « Multitasking software makes multiuser systems possible and permits the division of complex programs into smaller segments. Writing such software requires an understanding of the basic principles of synchronization (ie: executing the right program or using the right stack at the right time) and a knowledge of resource sharing (using such computer resources as printers, keyboards, memory, and central processing units).
This article explains how to write multitasking software for microprocessors. I will first discuss the theory of multitasking, then give a simple example of one of the better implementations, called SLEEP (originated by APh Technological Consulting, a firm located in Pasadena, California).
Multitasking has many possible applications. A few examples are: handling communications between a computer and more than one terminal; programming devices like thermostats, burglar alarms, and light controllers; having your computer play your favorite adventure game and regulate room temperature at the same time; and connecting two terminals to your computer so that each can run a different BASIC program at the same time.
The last example is, of course, timesharing—a well-known and complex variety of multitasking. [...] »
Admissible algorithms allow you to few an optimal solution without an exhaustive search of the slate-space tree
[author : Gregg Williams] #Algorithm #Listing #BASIC #Method #Glossary
Extract : « Exhaustive tree searches, for reasons that will be explained later, will eventually arrive at im optimal path between the start node S and the goal node closest to S. The exponential expansion of many problems can outgrow the memory and speed capabilities of even the largest computers; because of this, methods have been developed that selectively limit the number of nodes expanded but still include those nodes that lead to the closest goal node. These heuristic techniques work by extracting information from the node and using it to determine the likelihood of being on the best path to a goal node. In this article we will be concerned with two types of heuristic techniques, admissible and nonadmissible, and will experiment with them, using the BASIC program given in the first part of this article. [...] »
Some UCSD plotting routines that can be linked to any Pascat program
[author : Dr James Stork] #Listing #Pascal #Assembly #Printer #Graphics
Extract : « In the course of my work for the University of California Sea Grant program, I have needed to plot oceanographic data on a Houston Instrument Hiplot plotter. Because my operating system is exclusively UCSD Pascal, I have developed routines using that system. I have been completely satisfied with this system and would recommend it to anyone who intends to develop serious microcomputer software beyond the level of simple computer games.
The plotter software shown in the listings demonstrates at least two facilities of the UCSD Pascal system that I have found very useful. These are the ability to easily link an external machine-language subroutine to any Pascal program, and to store a library of often-used units and procedures in the system's library. [...] »
Use your computer to lower those budget-breaking heat bills.
[author : Kimball Beasley] #Listing #BASIC #Energy
Extract : « As we are all too well aware, the cost of heating a home has skyrocketed in recent years. Many home-owners, searching for ways to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, add insulation to the walls or roof, install storm windows, or caulk and weather-strip around windows and doors. Money is spent on one or more of these energy-conservation plans only because homeowners expect a reasonable return on their investment in the form of lower heating bills.
Many homeowners, however, will spend a great deal of money on insulation for the walls or ceiling, for example, without having any idea how much their heating costs will actually be reduced. At some thickness, adding more insulation is no longer cost- effective. The "proper" thickness is very difficult to determine. Also, if a house has heat losses through single- pane windows or air leaks from poor weather stripping, adding insulation to the walls will not do much to reduce the overall heat loss. In short, homeowners usually suffer from a lack of information on the thermal properties and energy efficiency of their homes.
There are two basic ways to find
the energy savings and return on
money invested with a home heating
energy-conservation plan:
• Choose a plan, have it done, and
wait for the heating bills to arrive to
determine actual energy savings.
• Choose a plan and analyze the
energy-efficiency improvement to find
the energy savings before spending money.
Software problems can hold back a small-businsess data-processing explosion.
[author : Paul T Brady] #Tips #Experience #Software #Business
Extract : «
[...] I make two claims:
1. There is already available a wide
range of excellent hardware at reasonable
prices that can perform the functions
a small business requires.
2. There is also an enormous range of
available software that will almost
do the required job. It will do a
90-percent job. But to bridge the
10-percent gap requires experience
and efforts far beyond the abilities
or interests of the typical small-
business owner. This 10-percent
software gap is holding back a
virtual explosion of data processing
into small businesses. [...]
A company logo is the vehicle for understanding windows and scaling
[author : Kathleen Bresnahan Sandifur] #Listing #Graphics
Extract : « To make effective use of any graphics system, you must first understand the functions universal to all such systems. For the neophyte, the only readily available method for mastering graphics concepts is to attack a dissertation of incomprehensible detail-an endeavor that can be as frustrating as reading the fine print on your insurance policy.
In this article I try to put some graphics concepts into perspective. Four subroutines of the Hewlett-Packard Graphics/1000 software package are singled out: WINDW, LIMIT, VIEWP, and SETAR. The terms are peculiar to the software package, but the concepts are universal to all graphics. As a vehicle for conveying these concepts, the application program LOGO is presented in this article. [...] »
A device that lets you communicate with your microcomputer
[author : David R Richards] #Keyboard #Interface #Electronic #Listing #Assembly
Extract : «
One of the first decisions you confront
as the builder or purchaser of a
microcomputer is how to communicate
with it. There are three options:
• Use the front panel (if one exists).
This is so slow, awkward, and error-
prone that it merits no further discussion.
• Interface a video terminal or
teletypewriter to the computer, usually
by means of a serial I/O (input/output)
port. This solution is easy to implement,
but is often quite expensive.
• Interface a keyboard to the computer
for input and use a video
display processor driving a television
monitor for output. Since it uses the
intelligence of the microprocessor instead
of duplicating it, this method is
lower in cost and superior in flexibility
when compared to a stand-alone terminal.
One goal in building my S-100 system was the development of hardware and software to provide all the capabilities of an intelligent text- editing terminal that could be used to communicate with a mainframe time- sharing system. The third alternative was clearly the way to go. I discovered that while suitable video processors are readily available, keyboards are more of a problem. The only one I found was a surplus keyboard unit. [...] »
A mathematical method used by computer programmers to determine the relative importance of the tasks under their supervision.
[author : W Douglas Maurer] #Management #Mathematics #Book
Extract : « The acronym PERT stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique, a mathematical method used by thousands of computer programmers on both large and small systems to solve one of the basic problems of middle-level managers: how to determine the relative importance of the tasks under their supervision. Let us define a middle-level manager as a person responsible for a project comprised of many tasks. Various low-level managers, each responsible for one particular task, report to the middle-level manager, (By con- trast, the top-level manager is more concerned with deciding which projects to undertake, and formulating policy.) The basic purpose of the middle-level manager is to anticipate possible obstacles and still complete the project on time. [...] »
Innovative instructions can forestall the "software crisis."
[author : Glenn L Williams] #Assembly #Programming #Book
Extract : « The 1970s saw the inception and growth of microprocessors as well as continuing growth and improvement in the architecture and processing power of minicomputers. Although the architecture of CPUs (central processing units) has varied widely through the years, the majority of the new 16-bit microprocessors have emulated, to various degrees, the stack-pointer architecture once found in the DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) PDP-11.
The stack pointer is used to control an area in program memory where temporary data and subroutine— and interrupt—return addresses can be stored separately from the main program. The stack-pointer approach has proved useful to programmers because it allows reentrant, nonself- modifying subroutines. This approach can be contrasted with machines (e.g., the DEC PDP-8) where a subroutine return address is saved in the first location of the subroutine proper, which can reside only in programmable memory.
An additional feature now found in most processors is the familiar processor-status register containing flag bits formed from the result of ALU (arithmetic logic unit) operations on data, With conditional branch, jump, jump to subroutine, and return (as well as interrupt) instructions available on the various processors, program loops can become very compact and intricate.
A well-designed instruction set can give the engineer and programmer every degree of freedom and every feature desired. But does it? [...] »
On converting the machematics of linear regression into a general-purpose BASIC program
[author : Douglas William Madron] #Listing #BASIC #Mathematics #Book
Extract : « Within the context of a large number of scientific and technological problems it is necessary to be able to predict a score or value of a variable (Y) from one or more predictors (Xs). One method commonly used to accomplish this feat is multiple linear regression.
This article deals primarily with converting the mathematics of linear regression into a general-purpose BASIC computer program; therefore, only a very brief discussion of the mathematics is presented. Readers should consult the references for this article for a detailed treatment of multiple linear regression.
The fundamental equation for linear regression using a single predictor is:
Y' = a + bx
where Y' (Y prime) constitutes the predicted value(s) of the dependent variable; X is the predictor or independent variable; a the intercept constant; and b the regression coefficient. Suffice it to say, at this point, that multiple regression is an extension of simple linear regression [...] »
Put UCSD Pascal through its paces to ease programming and have fun
[author : David Casseres] #Listing #Pascal #Tips #Programming
Extract : « There are no "secrets" in this article. I will simply show you some tricks that can be performed with UCSD Pascal. Like many programming tricks, these are of interest for two main reasons: to ease complicated system programming and to encourage fun programming.
All of the facts that I use can be found in the documentation available for UCSD Pascal (developed at the University of California at San Diego). However, these features have been documented very lightly up to now, with little or no explanation. Before I attempt to explain them I want to cover myself as follows : everything in this article has been tested with Apple II Pascal (both the original release and the current Version 1.1). Except as noted, I believe it should apply to other versions of UCSD Pascal — but I don't guarantee it.
Be warned: If you employ these tricks, you will abandon some of the safety features of the language. This could easily result in incomprehensible bugs in your program. Even if the program works correctly, you may run into trouble when you try to modify it. You should also be aware that tricks that work with your present system may not work with an updated version. Furthermore, the people who sold you your UCSD Pascal are under no obligation to support any features that they don't document themselves.
However, if you study these tricks you'll be able to do some things that are otherwise impossible. You'll also gain some insights into how the system works when it runs a Pascal program. You will find that your Pascal program can treat memory as a collection of bytes, which are in turn made up of bits; that data types are more changeable than they appear; that AND, OR, and NOT are more powerful than you thought; and that you can access specific machine locations in the same way you would with the PEEK and POKE keywords of BASIC. [...] »
Bui1d this high-speed 10-bit analog-to-digital converter for your Apple for less than $100
[author : Michael A Seeds] #Electronic #Listing #Assembly #Interface #Encoding
Extract : « We began designing a computer-controlled data- acquisition system for the Franklin and Marshall College observatory, when suddenly we realized that we would have to build our own A/D (analog-to-digital) circuit board. Most commercially available A/D boards are designed for the S-100 bus or computer buses other than the Apple II. The only board we found specifically designed for the Apple was both expensive ($395) and very slow (400 milliseconds). At this time, various manufacturers are announcing new A/D boards for the Apple, but these, too, are expensive, and at least one of these has only 8-bit resolution. Our data system required 10-bit accuracy and high-speed performance. The circuit we designed to meet these requirements costs less than $100. [...] »
PS allows assembly-language code and high-level code to be mixed
[author : Valo G Motalygo] #Languages #Forth #Assembly #Programming
Extract : « The main purpose of a programming system is to facilitate the user's communication with the computer.
I believe that operating systems or programming languages accepting something like conventional text are close to being ideal where the user-computer interface is concerned. All the other advantages or disadvantages of any particular system are "problem-oriented." In other words, what is convenient for one user might be unacceptable for another. Let us consider programming systems that are supposed to be useful for all potential users, beginning with the simplest system of this kind-assembly language.
There are many flaws with assemblers: assembly- language programs are not portable, they are difficult to write and debug, the user must have detailed knowledge of the computer hardware, and so on. However inconvenient it is, an assembly language is still a general-purpose programming system, much as the computer is a general- purpose data-processing device.
On the other hand, designers of high-level languages have to pay for obliterating low-level potential by supporting painful procedures of introducing assembler subroutines into a high-level program.
Thus, the problem with low-level languages is that they are not convenient to use; the problem with high- level languages is that they cannot be considered general- purpose programming systems because of their lack of low-level capabilities and their tendency to force programming structures that might not be optimal for the problem at hand. [...] »
[author : Glen Flint] #Software #Review #Networks
Extract : « Telelink I is a program cartridge for the Atari 400 or 800 personal-computer system that lets you access data bases, electronic mail, and other services offered by information utilities such as .The Source and Compuserve. You must have the Atari 850 interface module and an Atari 830 modem, or the equivalent, to use Telelink I. One of Atari's printers, Atari 820, Atari 822, or Atari 825, may be used.
Telelink I comes with a well-prepared five-page manual explaining the use of the cartridge. Following a general introduction, the manual explains how to hook up the modem, telephone, and printers. It also describes some of the options for controlling the printers, the width of the screen, and the word or the character mode (which will be explained later). There are lists of what will be transmitted by each of the keys on the keyboard. Some special control-character combinations send ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters not available on the Atari 400 and 800 keyboards. (For example, a Control-[ sends a {.) A list of definitions of several data-communications terms is also included. Finally, the manual lists the ASCII character set with the decimal and hexadecimal values of each character. The meanings of the ASCII control characters are also given. [...] »
[author : Eliakim Willner] #Printer #Review
Extract : « Until very recently, a prospective purchaser of a computer printer had to choose between letter quality and speed. The letter-quality printers, which most often use daisy-wheels to produce fully formed characters, are too slow for typical data-processing applications. Faster printers usually employ a dot-matrix print head that produces readable, but not letter-quality, type. A new breed of printer on the market today shows refinements in dot-matrix technology, producing type that approaches letter quality without sacrificing speed. Integral Data Systems' 460, the "Paper Tiger," is a worthy representative of this new breed. With minor exceptions, the IDS 460 has every feature that a hobbyist or small-business user could reasonably expect to find. The printer is about as wide as most in the dot-matrix family, but it is taller and not as deep. It appears to be solidly constructed and designed to withstand heavy use. Most of the electronics, including a microprocessor to control the many advanced functions, are contained on a single, easily accessible circuit board under the printer's enclosure. [...] »
[author : Mark Dahmke] #Printer #Review
Extract : « The Mauro Proac plotter provides the small-computer user with an inexpensive way of obtaining high-quality graphics. The plotter uses a novel method of controlling the paper-it embosses a pattern on the edge of the paper that is used to guide the paper across the drive roller. A centrifugal blower creates a pressure drop across the paper writing surface, assuring that the paper is held in place. Both X and Y axes are driven by stepper motors, and the pen is moved up and down by a solenoid. The plotter will accept single 21.5- by 28-cm (8 1/2- by 11-inch) sheets, 28- by 43-cm (11- by 17-inch) sheets, or a 28-cm (l1-inch) continuous roll (if equipped with the roll- paper option). [...] »
[author : Tim Daneliuk] #Listing #Fortran #BASIC #Software #Review #Programming
Extract : « FORTRAN, a high-level programming language geared to scientific and mathematical programming, is probably one of the few languages to have found "universal" acceptance. Until recently, however, FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) has been unavailable to the personal computer user.
For those who are familiar only with BASIC (Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), a few words concerning "compiled" and "interpreted" languages are in order. BASIC as implemented on the TRS-80 is an interpreted language. As a program runs, it is translated, line by line, from English (which the computer can't understand) to the computer's own "machine language." Each line of the program is executed as it is interpreted. Note that the program (called source code) never changes: it is simply interpreted each time you type the RUN command.
FORTRAN, on the other hand, is a compiled language. As in BASIC, the source code is written in English-like statements which, though not identical to those in BASIC, are similar in principle (ie: there are such elements as input/ output statements, arithmetic expressions, and logical expressions). To run the FORTRAN program, however, you must use a special machine- language routine called a compiler. The compiler goes through source code and creates a second machine- language program, called object code. This transformation from source to object code is performed once—thereafter, when you want to run your program, you actually execute the machine-language object code produced by the compiler.
For this reason, programs written in compiled languages such as FORTRAN are very fast: typically twenty to thirty times faster than the equivalent algorithm written in an interpreted language. The price for this efficiency is increased difficulty in editing and debugging because a program must always be compiled before it can be run. [...] »
List Pager
Discover the Machine Beneath the Machine, A Z80 Monitor Program
A Closet Look at the TRS-80 Color Computer
Two Short Graphics Programs for the OSI C-IP
Recursive Procedures for the 6502 Microprocessor
Active Filter Design Handbook, G S Moschytz and Petr Horn. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981; 17.5 by 25 cm, 316 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-471-27850-5, $45.
The Ada Programming Language , I C Pyle. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981; 17.5 by 23.5 cm, 293 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-13-003921-7, $14.95.
BASIC for Students: With Applications, Michael Trombetta. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, 1981; 16 by 23.5 cm, 291 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-201-07611-X, $9.95.
Build Program Technique: A Practical Approach for the Development of Automatic Software Generation Systems, John G Rice. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981; 15.5 by 23.5 cm, 372 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-471-05278-7, $29.95.
CDS/ISIS and MINISIS: A Functional Analysis and Comparison, Robert L Valantin. New York: UNIPUB, POB 433, Murray Hill Sta, 1981; 17.5 by 25 cm, 88 pages, soft cover, ISBN 0-88936-296-3, $6.50.
Computer Acronyms, Abbreviations, Etc, Claude P Wrathall. Princeton NJ : Petrocelli Books, 1981; 15 by 22 cm, 486 pages, hardcover, ISBN 089433-138-8, $17.50. Also available in softcover for $14.
Cryptography, A Primer, Alan G Konheim. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981; 16.5 by 24 cm, 432 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-471-08132-9, $34.95.
Digital Counter Handbook, Louis E Frenzel Jr. Indianapolis IN: Howard W Sams & Company, 1981; 13.5 by 22 cm, 264 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-672-21758-9, $10.95.
Early British Computers, Simon Lavington. Bedford MA: Digital Press, 1980; 15 by 21 cm, 140 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-932376-08-8, $8.
Educational Software Directory, Apple II Edition, Sterling Swift Publishing Company. Manchaca TX: Sterling Swift Publishing, 1981; 15 by 22 cm, 103 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-88408-141-9, $11.95.
From ENIAC to UNIVAC, An Appraisal of the Eckert-Mauchly Computers, Nancy Stern. Bedford MA: Digital Press, 1981; 19 by 24 cm, 286 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-932376-14-2, $2l.
Fundamental Concepts of Information Modeling, Matt Flavin. New York: Yourdon Press, 1981; 15 by 23 cm, 128 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-917072-22-7, $10.
How to Design & Build Your Own Custom Robot, David L Heiserman. Blue Ridge Summit PA: Tab Books, 1981; 13 by 21 cm, 462 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-8306-1341-2, $12.95; hardcover, ISBN 0-8306-9629-6, $18.95.
How to Plan, Design and Implement a Bad System, Ronald B Smith. Princeton NJ: Petrocelli Books Inc, 1981; 14 by 22 cm, 157 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-89433-148-5, $14.
Introduction to Computer Organization, Ivan Tomek. Rockville MD: Computer Science Press, 1981; 16 by 23.5 cm, 456 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-914894-08-0, $21.95.
Linear Integrated Circuits, Practice and Applications, Sol D Prensky and Arthur H Seidman. Reston VA: Reston Publishing Company, 1981; 16 by 23.5 cm, 354 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-8359-4084-5, $21.95.
Microcomputer Architecture and Programming, John F Wakerly. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981; 17 by 23.5 cm, 692 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-471-05232-9, $27.95.
The Microelectronics Revolution, edited by Tom Forester. Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1981; 15.5 by 23.5 cm, 589 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-262-56021-6, $12.50; hardcover, ISBN 0-262-06075-2, $25.
The Minicomputer in OnLine Systems, Small Computers in Terminal-Based Systems and Distributed Processing Networks, Martin Healy and David Hebditch. Cambridge MA: Winthrop Publishers, 1981; 18.5 by 24 cm, 334 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-87626-579-4, $22.95.
Osborne CP/M User Guide, Thorn Hogan. Berkeley CA: Osborne/ McGraw-Hill, 1981; 19 by 23.5 cm, 283 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-931988-44-6, $12.99.
Pascal Programming for the Apple, T G Lewis. Reston VA: Reston Publishing, 1981; 15.5 by 23 cm, 234 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-8359-5454-4, $12.95.
A Primer on Pascal, Second Edition, Richard Conway, David Gries, and E Carl Zimmerman. Cambridge MA: Winthrop Publishers, 1981; 18.5 by 24.5 cm, 430 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-87626-675-8, $17.95; softcover, ISBN 0-87626- 671-5, $12.95.
The Programming Language Landscape, Henry Ledgard and Michael Marcotty. Chicago IL: Science Research Associates, 1981; 16.5 by 24.5 cm, 460 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-574- 21340-6, $22.95.
Robot Intelligence with Experiments, David L Heiserman. Blue Ridge Summit PA: Tab Books, 1981; 13 by 21 cm, 322 pages, softcover ISBN 0-8306-1191-6, $9.95; hardcover, ISBN 0-8306-9685-7, $16.95.
Software Design: Methods and Techniques, Lawrence J Peters. New York: Yourdon Press, 1981; 17.5 by 25.5 cm, 248 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-917072-19-7, $23.
Structured Programming in FORTRAN, Louis A Hill Jr. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981; 17.5 by 23.5 cm, 526 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-13-854612-6, $15.95.
Take Aim: Volume I, James Hoyt Clark. Beaverton OR: Matrix Publishers, 1981; 388 pages, 22 by 28 cm, softcover, ISBN 0-916460-29-0, $16.95.
Video/Computers, How to Select, Mix, and Operate Personal Computers and Home Video Systems, Charles J Sippl and Fred Dahl. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981; 18.5 by 24 cm, 246 pages, softcover, ISBN 0-13-941849-0, $7.95; hardcover, ISBN 0-13-941856-3, $15.95.
Extract : « Pathways Through the ROM George Blank, editor Softside Publications 6 South St, Milford NH 03055, 1979, 1980 116 pages, softcover $19.95
Inside Level II: A Programmer's Guide to the TRS-80 ROM John Blattner and Bryan Mumford, Mumford Micro Systems, POB 435, Summerland CA 93067, 1980, 65 pages, softcover, $19.95
The BOOK: Accessing the TRS-80 ROM Raymond E Daly IV, Stephen C Hill, Roy Soltoff, Thomas B Stibolt Jr, and Richard P Wilkes, Insiders Software Consultants, POB 2441, Springfield VA 22152, 1980, 123 pages, softcover, $14.95
Microsoft BASIC Decoded & Other Mysteries for the TRS-80 James Farvour UG Computer Services 1260 W Foothill Blvd, Upland CA 91786, 1981, 310 pages, softcover, $29.95 »
Memory Manipulator, Eliminate Hex-a-Phobia
A Fast, Ancient Method for Multiplication
Apple Pascal Cross-Reference
Use a Relative Subroutine Call for Relocatable Z80 Programs
The Variable-Duty-Cycle Algorithm
Dynamic Simulation in BASIC