GO's new PenPoint operating system brings handwriting recognition to the laptop.
The new MS-DOS 5.0 is almost ready, and fractal compression technology comes to market.
Kodak prints computer color, a look at the most miniature modem, Smalltalk does Windows, and more.
Fax-O-Matic and FaxConnection, fax machines that use a laser printer for output from Tall Tree Systems and Extended Systems
Mathematica for Windows 3.0, Wolfram Research's great addition
Storyboard Live!, IBM's multimedia software
FileMaker Pro, Claris gives a face-lift ro its darabase
Stacker, Stac Electronics lets you double your hard disk space instantly
Microsoft's new version can do spreadsheet outlining.
OS/2 1.3 : leaner, meaner, faster.
These 15 notebook-size computers mix PC power with state-of-the-art portability.
A handful of C++ libraries.
Sun's Sparcstation IPC squeezes RISC power onto even the smallest desk.
RasterOps releases the first true-color, 24-bit display adapter for PS/2s.
Adobe's Illustrator 3.0 offers improved text handling and a new graphing capability.
KnowledgeSeeker provides an analytical statistical tool for executive decision making that nearly works like magic.
The Iliad Group's PIEdit creates an integrated development environment for cross-platform programmers.
Arche and Club 386s performed admirably during a six-month stint in the BYTE lab.
From Xerox PARC to Apple, Alan Kay's most enduring contribution may be a machine that has not yet been built.
Laptops of the near future will have to include built-in pointing devices to support GUIs.
Nick Baran reviews the state of the art of display technologies and describes some fascinating alternatives.
Squeezing the components of an AT-class machine onto a single chip will have a great impact on the portable computers of the future.
Solid-state memory cards provide the size, weight, and capacity necessary to be practical in a notebook computer.
A who's who in portable computers.
What lies ahead for network operating systems? Major players in the field make their prediction.
An innovative new user interface from Xerox's Palo Alto Research makes use of color and 3-D graphics.
The Extended Graphics Array offers full graphics functionality as well as bus mastering.
Here's help if you're experiencing pains with Windows 3.0.
The little-known digital secrets tucked inside every fax device.
William Stallings, an authority on data communications, presents some simple tools for analyzing many kinds of problems.
Your answers and comments help shape our test procedures.
Facing Hard Times?
Readers debate DTP.
Science and lunacy collide in a fascinating book about experiments over the edge.
Advice on how not to get burned the next time you buy a system for your business.
Jerry picks the ideal portable computer.
[author : Jerry Pournelle]
How consistent is the language of your business documents?
[author : Wayne Rash Jr.]
Putting Windows 3.0 and OS/2 2.0 on the scales.
[author : Jon Udell]
Don converses with MacFolk to determine new directions for Mac evolution.
[author : Don Crabb]
A look at some current standards battles and how they could affect Unix users.
[author : David Fiedler]
ARCnet Plus is a fast alternative to Ethernet and Token Ring hardware, and it's downwardcompatible with ARCnet.
[author : Brett Glass]