Steve provides a description of the major VLSI components and includes the hardware schematic.
[author : Steve Ciarcia]
You may never need to write another line of assembly language code.
[author : Douglas F. Yriart]
By using Aitken extrapolation. you can approximate integrals with increased precision.
[author : David M. Smith]
The standard principles of debugging apply. but the Mac's toolbox routines present some unique problems.
[author : Joel West]
Two programs calculate the effects of an atomic blast on your surroundings.
[author : John R. Fanchi]
Use iterative simulations to study the behavior of physical systems.
[author : Gordon Hughes]
The author's BASIC program explains how to find the hidden structures known as "one-dimensional cellular automata."
[author : Kenneth E. Perry]
A bit-addressable graphics engine with an on-chip instruction cache.
[author : Carrell R. Killebrew Jr.]
Fractals used for modeling can create intriguing displays.
[author : Peter B. Schroeder]
Some techniques that allow you to simulate 3-D graphics in color.
[author : George Haroney]
Implement Bezier and B-spline curves for interactive graphics.
[author : Steve Enns]
[author : Jon Edwards]
Offerings from Epson, Western, and Zenith.
[author : Wayne Rash Jr.]
An inexpensive general-purpose display card for the IBM Pc.
[author : Rich Malloy]
An evaluation of devices from several companies and their ability to handle impairments.
[author : Stephen Satchell]
Four compilers with various features.
[author : Namir Clement Shammas]
Modeling and simulation software for the Macintosh.
[author : Stephen B. Robinson]
Electronic mail and communications software.
[author : Brock N. Meeks]
Readers respond to previous reviews.
Jerry uses BIX to help plan an academy for space cadets.
[author : Jerry Pournelle]
Bruce's particular focus this month is the Amiga.
[author : Bruce Webster]
A collection of programs that would make terrific gifts.
[author : Ezra Shapiro]
Dick looks at a computer for scientific users and a molecular modeling system.
[author : Dick Pountain]