2007 33.11 2009

Vol.33 n°11 (#414) november 2008



Saving Open Source

[author : Michael Swaine]

The cause of free and open-source software dodged a bullet earlier this year.

Porting Javascript Applications to the iPhone

[author : Tom Thompson]

Tom examines the iPhone's web capabilities by porting a web-based application to the mobile device.

Building Your Own Web Server

[author : Craig A. Lindley]

Need a low-power, small-footprint web server? From hardware to software, Craig shows you how to roll your own server.

Green Telnet

[author : Jeremy Blackburn and Ken Christensen]

Reducing energy consumption is of growing importance. Jeremy and Ken create a "green telnet" that lets clients transition to a low-power, sleep state.

What's New In Boost Threads?

[author : Anthony Williams]

The Boost.Thread library, which enables the use of multiple threads of execution with shared data in portable C++ code, has undergone some major changes.

Testing Service Oriented Architectures

[author : Arunava Chatterjee]

Traditional testing techniques assume defective code can be precisely determined. But this isn't always the case with SOA.

Test Case Generation, UML, and Eclipse

[author : Luis Fernandez-Sanz and Pedro J. Lara]

Standard notations and open environments make useful tools for software quality-assurance techniques possible.

Unit Testing Web Services

[author : Paul Hamill]

For Agile developers, following best practices by doing Test-Driven Development of web service code can require extra work, but it's worth the effort.

C3 Programming

[author : Shimon Rothschild]

C3 programming is a process for fostering better communications between developers and other stakeholders.


The Agile Edge

[author : Scott W. Ambler]

Who said Agilists don't do documentation? Scott looks at what agile teams actually do in practice.

Effective Concurrency

[author : Herb Sutter]

Herb tackles the general problem of supporting multiple producers and multiple consumers with as much concurrency as possible.


Friday Night Fish Fry

[author : Jonathan Erickson]

Readers learn from editors, but editors learn even more from readers, or so our editor recently learned.

Alia Vox

[author : Jonathan Lindo]

eBay is able to control the chaos of frequent releases, which makes Jonathan Lindo wonder why the rest of us can't do likewise.

Developer Diaries

[author : edited by Michael Swaine]

Profiles of programmers, descriptions of developers.

Developer's Notebook

[author : compiled by the DDJ Staff]

New development products.


[author : Jonathan Erickson]

Radia Perlman talks about network protocols.

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]

Although Michael has made it clear that he will not be a candidate for public office, he nonetheless has position on the issues of the day.