2007 33.10 2009

Vol.33 n°10 (#413) october 2008



Is Your Next Language COBOL?

[author : Michael Swaine]

Erik Demaine is this year's recipient of the Katyanagi Don't count Cobol out. It's a key element in modern distributed business software architectures.

Safe Coding Practices

[author : Gwyn Fisher]

Gwyn examines several types of coding vulnerabilities and examines how you can mitigate the risk of exploit within your code.

Code Signing in Adobe AIR

[author : Oliver Goldman]

Adobe AIR requires that all AIR-based applications be signed for to secure delivery.

OpenID Single Sign-On

[author : Jeremy Weiskotten]

OpenID is an open standard that defines a way that web-based applications can authenticate users via a single identity.

The Book Cipher Algorithm

[author : Dejan Ristanovic and Jelica Protic]

The Book cipher algorithm uses letters of subsequent words in some text or book as a key to encode messages.

Indexing and Searching Image Files

[author : Adelene Ng]

Lucene.NET is a high-performance text retrieval library that Adelene uses to index and search image files.

Extending Continuous Integration Into ALM

[author : Maciej Zawadzki]

Traditional Continuous Integration has been constrained so that it provides only a partial picture of software quality. Maciej suggests alternatives.


The Agile Edge

[author : Scott W. Ambler]

Scott examines the best ways to address nonfunctional requirements.

Effective Concurrency

[author : Herb Sutter]

Herb continues his exploration of lock-free code—this time focusing on creating a lock-free queue.


Friday Night Fish Fry

[author : Jonathan Erickson]

Visualizing organic information.

Alia Vox

[author : Michael Swindell]

Despite reports to the contrary, native code remains the core foundation of application development.

Developer Diaries

[author : edited by Michael Swaine]

Profiles of programmers, descriptions of developers.

Developer's Notebook

[author : compiled by the DDJ Staff]

New development products.


[author : Jonathan Erickson]

Checking in with expert Bruce Schneier about the state of security.

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]

Fun with puzzles!