[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
Does geography matter anymore?
[author : Michael Swaine]
The recipient of this year's Dr. Dobb's award is Bjarne Stroustrup, for his work on developing C++.
[author : Daniele Paolo Scarpazza, Oreste Villa, and Fabrizio Petrini]
Multicores are the future, and you need to start mapping basic algorithms onto this new hardware.
[author : Mark Nelson]
The Byzantine Generals Problem is an agreement protocol that's built around an imaginary General who makes a decision to attack or retreat, and who must communicate his decision to his lieutenants.
[author : Anthony Williams]
Understanding and using fixed-point math can result in real performance gains.
[author : Michael Orlov]
The Greatest Common Divisor algorithm computes the maximal number that divides its two arguments—and can be used as an efficient random-number generator.
[author : Scott W. Ambler]
Most articles focus on the success stories and few on the failures, a wrong that Scott hopes to right this month.
[author : Herb Sutter]
Herb considers how to set superlinear speedups by harnessing more resources.
[author : Stephen Beneteau]
The value of SOA is clear. But will it succeed in the long run?
[author : edited by Michael Swaine]
Profiles of programmers, descriptions of developers.
[author : Deirdre Blake]
Jon Bentley talks about one of his favorite topics—algorithms.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Some things change, but Macworld remains the same. It's just the devices that change.