2006 32.09 2008

Vol.32 n°9 (#400) september 2007



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito

Multicore or manycore — it's all the same to me!



Return of the Desktop

[author : Michael Swaine]

Is the rediscovery of the desktop just the latest swing of some tech-trend pendulum, or is there something more going on here?

Separating Duties to Meet IT Compliance

[author : Tracy Ragan]

If your organization is facing strict audit compliance but struggles with distributed platforms, take a look at how the big boys do it.


[author : Pablo Santos]

Codice Software tackles Agile methodologies (SCRUM) and process improvement (CMMi) at the same time.

Widgets & Rich Internet Applications

[author : Dana Moore and Ray Budd]

Desktop widgets are lightweight client apps used with RIA to take optimum advantage of what the client and server have to offer.

Service-Component Architectures

[author : Arunava Chatterjee]

Service-Component Architectures (SCA) provide a programming model for implementing Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA).

Debugging with NTSD and Application Verifier

[author : Patrick Garvan]

Did you know that Windows ships with built-in debugging tools—the Microsoft NT Symbolic Debugger and the Application Verifier?

Multithreaded Asynchronous I/O & I/O Completion Ports

[author : Tom R. Dial]

I/O completion ports provide an elegant solution to the problem of writing scalable server applications that use multithreading and asynchronous I/O.


Effective Concurrency

[author : Herb Sutter]

How many cores (or hardware threads) can your code harness to get its answers faster?

The Agile Edge

[author : Scott W. Ambler]

Scott examines strategies for dealing with constraints that business stakeholders may put on software development teams.


Alia Vox

[author : Joe Marasco]

Organizations are recognizing the link between requirements quality and the success of software development initiatives.

Developer Diaries

[author : edited by Michael Swaine]

Petaflops and threads are in this month's spotlight.

Developer's Notebook

[author : compiled by the DDJ Staff]

New development products and new releases of existing ones.


[author : Deirdre Blake]

Karl Wiegers answers the question: "So what are requirements?"

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]

Michael takes a practical look at the theory of a "hair of the bit that bit you."