[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
It's all about multicore!
[author : Michael Swaine]
What's driving all the recent interest in Build tools that you might reasonably characterize as a rather, well, unglamorous?
[author : Hartti Suomela]
Based on Adobe's Flash technology, Flash Lite is specifically developed for mobile phones and other consumer electronic devices.
[author : Prashanth Hirematada]
If you are writing high-performance applications, you should consider using Spin Buffers that eliminate the need for synchronization.
[author : Eric J. Bruno]
Representational state transfer, or "REST" for short, is a less restrictive form of SOA than web services.
[author : Robert Krten]
Robert implements a real-time caller ID implementation that is part of a voice-activated call monitor system he built.
[author : Manu Konchady]
Search engines don't give answers in response to queries. Instead users depend on question/answering (Q&A) systems to scan the text of a ranked list of documents to find answers.
[author : Niels Kokholm and Peter Sestoft]
Collection libraries provide functionality for storing and manipulating collections of related data items.
[author : Stefanus Du Toit and Michael McCool]
RapidMind is a framework for expressing data-parallel computations from within C++ and executing them on multicore processors.
[author : Ed Nisley]
Ed catches up on reading and responding to his (e)mail.
[author : Scott W. Ambler]
Scott tackles the topic of certification for agilists.
[author : Alberto Savoia]
Are you immune to test infection?
[author : edited by Michael Swaine]
Exploring desktop UNIX, the knowledgebase at Microsoft, and systems of systems.
[author : compiled by the DDJ Staff]
New development products and new releases of existing ones.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Swaine is back twittering at Foo Bar with the new piano player.