2006 32.03 2008

Vol.32 n°3 (#394) march 2007



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito

Did you hear the one about the operating system...?



Whither Operating Systems?

[author : Michael Swaine]

Michael considers the future—if there is one—of operating systems as we know them.

Programming Language Format String Vulnerabilities

[author : Hal Burch and Robert Seacord]

Are C/C++ the only languages with security vulnerabilities? What about Perl, PHP, Java, Python, and Ruby?

The Road to Our Scripting Future

[author : Peter Yared]

Lightweight languages are primed to make huge inroads into the corporate market.

Image Manipulation with ASP.NET 2.0

[author : Eric Bergman-Terrell]

You can display, manipulate, and protect web site images by taking advantage of the .NET 2.0 Bitmap class and Http Handlers.

Debugging Makefiles

[author : John Graham-Cumming]

John shares practical debugging tips he's used to debug real-world Makefiles.

Bringing the Desktop Application to the Web

[author : Conor Seabrook]

To move a desktop application to the Web, Conor settled on a set of AJAX-based controls from Telerik.

Practical C++ Error Handling in Hybrid Environments

[author : Gigi Sayfan]

Gigi shows how to interface your exception-handling code to other software components that practice different error-handling methods.

MyMap: A Portable API for Maps

[author : Lionel Laské]

This API lets you switch from one map provider (like Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft) to another with minimum changes to your source code.


Nisley's Notebook

[author : Ed Nisley]

Ed reports on the goings-on at the Embedded Systems Conference.

The Agile Edge

[author : Scott W. Ambler]

Documentation is an important part of every system, agile or otherwise.


Alia Vox

[author : Colin Armitage]

Many organizations still use sheer manpower to find defects in software, instead of employing methodologies to measure effectiveness.

Developer Diaries

[author : edited by Michael Swaine]

From start-ups to global enterprises, developers face similar problems—and turn to similar solutions.

Developer's Notebook

[author : compiled by the DDJ Staff]

New development products and new releases of existing ones.

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]

Sometimes sticking with what you know is best.