2005 31.12 2007

Vol.31 n°12 (#391) december 2006



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito

Complex problems often have simple solutions. Or is it the other way around?



Virtualization: Is it Real?

[author : Michael Swaine]

Virtualization abstracts out things—like hardware, operating systems, and applications. So what's the big deal?

SQL Server Everywhere: Just Another Database?

[author : Scott Swigart]

With the release of SQL Server Everywhere Edition looming, Scott sits down with Mark Jewett and Steve Lasker to find out about Microsoft's new database engine.

XML, SQL, and C

[author : Jim Kent]

Integrating data from XML sources into relational databases is easier when tools like autoXml, AutoDtd, sqlToXml, and xmlToSql do the work for you.

10 Mistakes in Transitioning to Agile

[author : Levent Gurses]

Levent explores the 10 most common mistakes in the transition from legacy development methodologies to Agile.

Lessons Learned

[author : Jake Pearson]

When moving complex commercial software to new platforms, third-party components can shorten development time.

Optimizing Open-Source Software for Intel Architectures

[author : Max Domeika and Harry Singh]

Aggressive compiler optimization is the first step for improving performance.


Nisley's Notebook

[author : Ed Nisley]

Doing the experiments is fundamental to good science.

The Agile Edge

[author : Scott Ambler]

There are lots of reasons why you need to develop a comprehensive testing strategy for your databases.


Alia Vox

[author : Ross Mason]

Do software vendors really gouge customers? Ross Mason thinks so.

Developer Diaries

[author : Michael Swaine]

Product strategists, chief geeks, and location, location, location.

Developer's Notebook

[author : DDJ Staff]

New development products and new releases of existing ones.

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]

Michael raises the bar (or is that "closes the bar") for journalism as we know it.