2005 31.11 2007

Vol.31 n°11 (#390) november 2006



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito

Between Grids and Griddles, distributed computing is a hot topic these days.



Apple and Intel: Together at Last

[author : Michael Swaine]

A year after announcing the move to Intel processors, Apple has completed the transition—there's not a non-Intel Mac in the lineup. So what does this shift mean for developers?

Scaling SOA with Distributed Computing

[author : Robert W. Anderson and Daniel Ciruli]

Scalability is critical when designing Service-Oriented Architectures.

Distributed Unit Testing

[author : Pablo Santos and Francisco J. Garcia]

There's only one way to accurately and efficiently support multiple platform combinations—testing, and lots of it.

Faster Development Through Modeling

[author : Jeff Cahoon]

Jeff describes a modeling technique that uses free tools and Model-Driven Architecture processes to speed up development.

Importing 3D Models into Mobile Java Devices

[author : Tom Thompson]

Here's a step-by-step guide for importing 3D models from PCs into cell phones.

Automating Applications On-the-Fly

[author : Drew Wildner]

Third-party tools, C#, and Visual Studio 2005 can take the pain out of generating PDF content in ASP.NET.

Code Finessing

[author : Diomidis Spinellis]

When it comes down to it, what counts is quality code that is correct, readable, and efficient.

APR Networking & the Reactor Pattern

[author : Ethan Q. McCallum]

The Apache Portable Runtime is a C-based API that provides abstractions ranging from memory management to telling time.


Nisley's Notebook

[author : Ed Nisley]

Code reviews are just one means of detecting program errors. Ed looks closely at how errors evade detection and gives you the opportunity to play code reviewer.

The Agile Edge

[author : Scott Ambler]

Scott reports on his recent Data Management survey. You'll be surprised by the results. Lots of companies have a data group, but much of the time, they aren't being used effectively.


Alia Vox

[author : Herbert H. Thompson]

When all is said and done, building security into your applications is really your only option.

Developer Diaries

[author : Michael Swaine]

Solving real problems real fast is all in a day's job.

Developer's Notebook

[author : DDJ Staff]

New development products and new releases of existing ones.

Hard Copy

[author : Gregory V. Wilson]

Greg examines a trio of books this month: Essential Software Architecture, Managing Iterative Software Development Projects, and Agility and Discipline Made Easy.

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]

Swaine's World Wiki. Ahhh, it's music to Michael's ears.