[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
Summer is supposed to be a time for poison ivy and mosquito bites—not school.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Ensuring that you're building the system you thought you were building amounts to "proving that you did what you said you'd do." Who'd have thought that this would prove to be one of the thorniest problems in software development?
[author : Matt Love]
Virtual machine features in Java 6 can provide performance improvements—if you can avoid the pitfalls.
[author : Tea Vui Huang]
Among other tricks, Java's Advanced Multimedia API lets you turn a mobile device (such as your cell phone) into an AM/FM radio.
[author : Cliff Berg & Scott W. Ambler]
Assurance that systems will perform as you expect does not conflict with agility—it merely challenges it.
[author : Michael Taylor]
Even with recent advances in .NET, multithreading issues can be a struggle for developers.
[author : Stephen Hutton]
Traits are a powerful technique that lets you create arbitrary user-defined types, among other things.
[author : Pete Becker]
Pete discusses the addition of almost all of TR1 to the new C++ Standard.
[author : Ed Nisley]
Triple-boot systems and memory-stick errors are the least of Ed's problems.
[author : Scott Ambler]
When you want to launch an agile project, where do you start?
[author : Tim O'Reilly]
When it comes to Web 2.0, Tim wonders if we're stuck on a name or hooked on value?
[author : Michael Swaine]
From startups to SlickEdit, we're on the road this month.
[author : Rick Wayne]
The latest news and developments to take note of.
[author : DDJ Staff]
New development products and new releases of existing ones.
[author : Greg Wilson]
Designing systems and designing games are the focus of this month's books.
[author : Michael Swaine]
The sharing of delusional ideas by two people who are closely associated. And no cousin Corbett?