[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Jeremy Weiskotten]
Dependency injection is a pattern for designing loosely coupled and testable objects.
[author : Stefan Wörthmüller]
This postmortem analysis approach lets you identify and resolve hidden errors, but with little impact on the program.
[author : Gary Carleton & Walter Shands]
Gary and Walter describe how to use runtime performance analysis to make single-threaded applications multithreaded.
[author : John Keogh]
Providing downloadable updates for selected portions of an application is critical to the development process.
[author : Griffin Caprio]
Domain-specific languages can enable richer development environments than those provided by general-purpose languages.
[author : Ralf Holly]
Testbots let you move the effort of building and testing from your shoulders to that of software robots.
[author : Anthony Williams]
You can use the full power of C++ to pass messages while maintaining type safety and avoiding monolithic functions.
[author : Pete Becker]
[author : Ed Nisley]
[author : Gregory V. Wilson]
[author : DDJ Staff]
[author : Michael Swaine]