2005 31.04 2007

Vol.31 n°4 (#383) april 2006



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



2006 Dr. Dobb's Journal Excellence in Programming Award

[author : Jonathan Erickson]

Moving computer security to the front lines of software development is just one reason Bruce Schneier is the recipient of this year's Excellence in Programming Award.

An Algorithm for Compressing Space and Time

[author : Tomas G. Rokicki]

Making a slow program fast can lead to both joy and frustration. But sometimes a new approach yields amazing improvements.

Dependency Management

[author : John Graham-Cumming]

John explores the irony of Make.

Consuming .NET Web Services in Oracle JDeveloper

[author : Max I. Fomitchev]

Max uses Oracle JDeveloper 10.1.2 to examine the problems you must overcome when consuming ATL/.NET web services in Java clients that rely on Apache SOAP.

Monitoring the Java Virtual Machine

[author : Paul Tremblett]

Java Management Extensions (JMX) provide tools for monitoring and managing applications and the resources they use.

Managed C++ and the Side-by-Side Cache

[author : Richard Grimes]

The Visual Studio installer places Visual Studio shared libraries in a location called the "side-by-side cache." Here's what you need to know to leverage it.

Accelerating Compute Intensive Functions Using C

[author : Joe Hanson]

Joe examines how you accelerate application processing using a software-configurable architecture to achieve hardware-accelerated performance in C.


The New C++

[author : Pete Becker]

Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Peter N. Roth]


Of Interest

[author : DDJ Staff]

Pragmatic Exceptions

[author : Benjamin Booth]

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]