2004 30.10 2006

Vol.30 n°10 (#377) october 2005



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



Preventing Piracy While Preserving Privacy

[author : Michael O. Rabin and Dennis E. Shasha]

The security approach presented here is a privacy-preserving, flexible, antipiracy solution that does not suffer from "Break Once, Run Everywhere."

Reestablishing Trust in the Web

[author : Amir Herzberg and Ahmad Jbara]

The TrustBar browser extension provides improved security, identification, and trust indicators.

Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes

[author : Daniel Stoleru]

Visual cryptography is a graphical form of information concealing.

Inside the SmartDongle USB Security Key

[author : Joel Gyllenskog]

Joel lifts the hood on his USB security key.

Developing JSR-168 Portlets

[author : Ted O'Connor and Martin Snyder]

The JSR-168 portlet specification defines APIs for building applications viewed inside portal frameworks.

The Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform

[author : Andy Kaylor]

The Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform provides open Standards for interoperability.

The Mac's Move to Intel

[author : Tom Thompson]

Steve Jobs dropped a bombshell when he told software developers that the Macintosh will switch from PowerPC to Intel x86 processors.

Calling C Library DLLs from C#

[author : Shah Datardina]

Need to utilize legacy software? Here are techniques for calling unmanaged code written in C from C#.

Removing Memory Errors from 64-Bit Platforms

[author : Rich Newman]

It's crucial to address potential memory errors before porting to 64-bit platforms.

Pointer Containers

[author : Thorsten Ottosen]

Smart containers are useful and safe utilities that can lead to flawless object-oriented programming.


Using Hardware Trace for Performance Analysis

[author : Michael Lindahl]

Michael examines embedded-systems performance-analysis techniques, and discusses some of their inherent limitations.


Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Ringtones are where the money is—for now anyway.

Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

Large, complex embedded systems have more places for things to go wrong.

Chaos Manor

[author : Jerry Pournelle]

Jerry looks back when inventing the future, and looks forward to the world of 64-bit computing.

Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Michelle Levesque]

Michelle examines Greg Wilson's Data Crunching: Solving Everyday Problems Using Java, Python, and More.



[author : you]

Dr. Ecco's Omniheurist Corner

[author : Dennis E. Shasha]

News & Views

[author : DDJ Staff]

Pragmatic Exceptions

[author : Benjamin Booth]

Of Interest

[author : DDJ Staff]

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]