2004 30.07 2006

Vol.30 n°7 (#374) july 2005



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



Measuring Java Reuse, Productivity, and ROI

[author : W. David Pitt]

David presents a way to measure productivity and reusability that occurs in Java development projects.

Java & Static Analysis

[author : Amit Chaturvedi]

Make the review process more manageable and predictable by using static analysis.

Java Annotations and apt

[author : J. Benton]

Java 5.0 introduces "annotations" that integrate metadata technology directly into the language.

Scripting Java Applications with Sleep

[author : Raphael Mudge]

Sleep is a freely available library for adding scripting services to Java applications.

Java & Bluetooth

[author : Paul Tremblett]

The Java Specification Request 82 defines a standard API for Bluetooth applications.

High-Performance Data Management in Java

[author : Charles Lamb]

High-performance data management involves on-disk persistent storage, in-memory data storage, and cache management.

JMX Redux

[author : Juan C. Duenas, Manuel Santillan, & Jose Luis Ruiz]

The Java Management Extensions 1.2 is becoming the de facto Standard for Java application and services management.

Cascading Style Sheets & JavaServer Faces

[author : Tor Norbye]

JavaServer Faces support Cascading Style Sheets and make it easy to create web applications.

Examining Enerjy's Java Toolkit

[author : Ryan Barr]

Enerjy Software's Java toolsuite includes a code analyzer, performance management/profiling tool, memory profiler, and thread analyzer.

Inside Digital Video Recorders

[author : Linden deCarmo]

Linden explains the differences between DVR software on PCs—Linux or Windows—and software optimized for set-top boxes.

Finding Binary Clones with Opstrings & Function Digests: Part I

[author : Andrew Schulman]

Reverse engineering is an invaluable engineering tool.

ASP.NET Configuration

[author : Douglas Reilly]

In all applications—and certainly ASP.NET ones—you need to configure certain aspects of the program.


Surround Sound

[author : Don Morgan]

Surround sound lets you experience sound coming from all directions.


Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

Chaos Manor

[author : Jerry Pournelle]

Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Jack J. Woehr]



[author : you]

Dr. Ecco's Omniheurist Corner

[author : Dennis E. Shasha]

News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Of Interest

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]