2004 30.05 2006

Vol.30 n°5 (#372) may 2005



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



Naive Bayesian Text Classification

[author : John Graham-Cumming]

Spam filtering may be the best known use of naive Bayesian text classification, but it's not the only application.

Optimal Queens

[author : Timothy Rolfe]

Optimal Queens is a classic problem in mathematics and computer science. Timothy optimizes it in C and Java.

A Multifield Single-Pass Shell Sort Algorithm

[author : MacGregor K. Phillips]

This enhancement to the venerable shell sort algorithm lets you sort on different types of fields.

Planarity by Edge Addition

[author : John M. Boyer]

Planarity is an important category in graph theory with applications ranging from circuit layout to web-site design.

Processing Rows in Batches

[author : Steven F. Lott and Robert Lucente]

To avoid sorting all of the rows in the table, focus your sorting on just a subset of those rows.

TileShare: Maps as Computer Images

[author : Hrvoje Lukatela and John Russell]

TileShare is a cross-platform file format and library for efficiently manipulating scanned map images.

Python 2.4 Decorators

[author : Phillip Eby]

Decorators are a powerful Python 2.4 feature that helps you reduce code duplication and consolidate knowledge.

Multithreaded Technology & Multicore Processors

[author : Craig Szydlowski]

Many software applications are about to be turned upside-down by the transition of CPUs from single- to multicore implementations.

Battle of the Code Generators

[author : Gigi Sayfan]

Code generation involves generating source code in some target programming language from some simpler input.

ASP to ASP.NET Migration Strategy

[author : Mark Sorokin]

Migration from ASP to ASP.NET can be done in different ways. Understanding possible paths leads to optimal strategies.

Windows Forms and Win32

[author : Richard Grimes]

To effectively use Windows Forms, you must have an understanding of how Win32 windowing works.


Eclipse & Custom Class Loaders

[author : Greg Bednarek]

All classes used in a Java application are loaded by the System class loader, or a custom, user-defined class loader.


Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Chaos Manor

[author : Jerry Pournelle]

Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Gregory V. Wilson]



[author : you]

Dr. Ecco's Omniheurist Corner

[author : Dennis E. Shasha]

News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Of Interest

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]