[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Jack J. Woehr]
DDJ contributing editor Jack Woehr talks to Avi Rubin, the world's leading authority on electronic voting and software engineering.
[author : Hari Gopal]
Web forms with digital signatures provide a secure way to meet the authentication requirements of e-commerce apps.
[author : Michael Larson]
The SecureScout framework lets you monitor attacks on Wi-Fi (802.11) wireless networks.
[author : Drew Gislason and Tim Gillman]
ZigBee is an emerging wireless protocol designed for low-cost, high-reliability sensor networks.
[author : Rahman Ismail, John Keys, and Rafael Kolic]
Key to Wireless USB, which provides ultra-fast data rates, is Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radio technology.
[author : Bogdan Blaszczak and Mike Polcyn]
The Parlay specification provides easy access to telephony networks via Java, CORBA, and web services.
[author : John Graham-Cumming]
Port knocking allows access to sensitive ports if you know the secret knock. John implements it using "Tumbler."
[author : Oliver Goldman]
The price of portability includes bandwidth and memory constraints. "Binary XML" addresses these issues for XML.
[author : Richard Grimes]
Windows Forms is a .NET library for writing windows-based GUI applications.
[author : Zuoliu Ding]
Online silent program updates are among the more useful and efficient features of today's software.
[author : Michael Taylor]
The .NET Framework comes with powerful, extensible classes for debugging and tracing applications.
[author : Paul Tremblett]
Apache Axis lets you efficiently develop web services for both clients and servers.
[author : Vadim Zaliva]
Vadim uses distcc to create build and compile farms for effective distributed lifecycle management.
[author : Gene Sally]
Eclipse's flexibility makes it an ideal platform for creating IDEs that serve the needs of embedded-systems developers.
[author : Marcus Kestler]
Applying Eclipse's Factor by Flow and Factor by Dependency features lets you produce efficient plug-ins.
[author : David Gladfelter]
The Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) is a standard for instrument communication. David presents tools for using VISA with C# and VB.NET.
[author : Michael Swaine]
[author : Ed Nisley]
[author : Jerry Pournelle]
[author : Miles Thibault and Gregory V. Wilson]
[author : you]
[author : Dennis E. Shasha]
[author : Shannon Cochran]
[author : Shannon Cochran]
[author : Michael Swaine]