2003 29.05 2005

Vol.29 n°5 (#360) may 2004

text on archive.org (DVD)



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



C/C++ Compiler Optimization

[author : Matthew Wilson]

Squeezing the maximum execution speed from C/C++ compilers requires an understanding of optimization switches.

Optimization Techniques

[author : Tim Kientzle]

When it comes to performance, a good understanding of processor architecture pays big dividends.

Optimizing For Intel Architecture CPUs

[author : Victor J. Duvanenko]

Optimization often demands diving into system memory and processor cache.

Motion Estimation & MPEG Encoding

[author : Shehrzad Qureshi]

Motion estimation is the most computationally demanding subsystem of an MPEG encoder.

A Manifesto for Collaborative Tools

[author : Eugene Eric Kim]

While our future may ride on software for collaboration, the current crop of tools just isn't good enough.

A Customized Database Query Tool

[author : Bill Hamaker]

This customized query tool makes query creation more accessible for users.

The Irony of Extreme Programming

[author : Matt Stephens and Doug Rosenberg]

Even though extreme programming (XP) has some good ideas, it still falls short of being the silver bullet.

BackTracking Algorithms

[author : Timothy Rolfe]

Java & Monetary Data

[author : John N. Armstrong]

Accurate mechanisms for dealing with dollars is critical to Java-based e-commerce.

Measuring API Usability

[author : Steven Clarke]

Steven examines some techniques that Microsoft uses to design and evaluate the usability of the APIs that ship with .NET.

Spam Filters & .NET 2003 COM Add-Ins

[author : Steve Goyette]

When it comes to spam, you can do more than "just say no."

Implementing Screen Savers in .NET

[author : Richard Grimes]

Because they involve graphical manipulation, screen savers are an excellent way to exercise a platform's new facilities.

Tech Tips

[author : edited by George Frazier]

To Inline or Not To Inline

[author : Richard Vaughan]

Inline functions can deliver dramatic performance improvements while preserving proper design semantics.

Overtake & Feedback Follow-up

[author : John A. Trono]

John applies the overtake & feedback algorithm to last winter's football bowl games.


Gameboy Advance for Non-Gaming Applications

[author : Aarul Jain and Dhananjay V. Gadre]

With the right tools, a fun toy can be turned into a powerful computer.


Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley Chaos Manor by Jerry Pournelle]

Chaos Manor

[author : Jerry Pournelle]

Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Douglas J. Reilly]



[author : you]

The New Adventures of Verity Stob

[author : Verity Stob]

News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Of Interest

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]