2002 28.12 2004

Vol.28 n°12 (#355) december 2003

text on archive.org (DVD)



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



Networking, ODBC, & Perl

[author : Robert Kiesling]

Robert first examines a Perl API for the unixODBC libraries, then a peer-to-peer API that lets ODBC clients access data sources of other systems on a TCP/IP network.

Application-Level Data Caching

[author : Paul E. Boal]

Many applications can be designed so that continuous database access isn't necessary. Paul presents an application-level data-caching library that does just this.

Java NIO & the iTunes Database

[author : Dmitriy Rogatkin]

Dmitriy uses the Java NIO package—part of J2SE 1.4—to unravel the iTunesDB format, which is at the heart of the database used in Apple's iPod MP3 player.

Full-Text Searching & the Burrows-Wheeler Transform

[author : Kendall Willets]

Here's an indexing method that lets you find any character sequence in the source text using a structure that can fit the entire source text and index into less space than the text alone.

Web Services & C++

[author : Peter Lacey]

Peter shows how to develop SOAP services and clients in C++ using the WASP Server for C++ from Systinet.


Code Efficiency & Compiler-Directed Feedback

[author : Jackie Brenner and Markus Levy]

With compiler-directed feedback, compiler output includes information you can leverage to tune application code for higher performance.


Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Gray goo and smart dust. No, the cleaning crew hasn't tackled Michael's office. Instead, he examines what's going on in the world of nanotechnology.

Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

Storage is a magnetic subject, as Ed discovers this month.

Chaos Manor

[author : Jerry Pournelle]

In the first installment of his new column, Jerry takes on worms and viruses.

Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Jeff B. Cromwell]

Jeff examines Programming Wireless Devices with the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition; Wireless Java, Developing with Java 2, Micro Edition; Java 2, Micro Edition: The Ultimate Guide to Programming Handheld and Embedded Devices; and Teach Yourself Wireless Java with J2ME In 21 Days.



[author : you]

The New Adventures of Verity Stob

[author : Verity Stob]

News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Of Interest

[author : Shannon Cochran]

Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]