2002 28.10 2004

Vol.28 n°10 (#353) october 2003


p.8 Editorial

[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



p.16 Comparing C/C++ Compilers

[author : Matthew Wilson]

Matthew compares nine popular C++ compilers in terms of their performance, features, and tools.

p.28 C++ String Performance

[author : Lev Kochubeevsky]

Lev analyzes C++ string implementations, then presents a string class with the speed and efficiency of the automatic C strings, plus the convenience of the C++ string objects that are STL friendly.

p.36 The Mtlib Memory-Tracking Library

[author : Marco Tabini]

Mtlib, short for "memory-tracking library," is a set of tools that automates the process of tracking and identifying memory leaks.

p.42 Java 2D & Web Pages

[author : Paul Tremblett]

Incorporating server-side Java 2D into your web application components is an easy way to deliver dynamic data.

p.50 AutoLogout For Application Security

[author : Jonathan Lurie]

AutoLogout is an application-level security technique that shuts down the system due to user inactivity. Jonathan presents a C# AutoLogout implementation for .NET.

p.52 Quantifying Popular Programming Languages

[author : Thomas Plum]

Thomas uses the number of web-based job offers that specify requirements for different programming languages as a metric for determining popularity.


p.54 Spy: A Windows CE API Interceptor

[author : Dmitri Leman]

Spy, Dmitri's Windows CE API spy, is a valuable tool for exploring, troubleshooting, and debugging Windows CE-based applications.


p.60 Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Michael discovers that reading code and writing wrongs can add up, as he wraps up this summer's reading list.

p.64 Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

Ed flips the switch and makes a power play this month.

p.68 Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Gregory V. Wilson]

It's a Java kind of month, as Greg looks at Java Extreme Programming Cookbook, by Eric Burke and Brian Coyner; MySQL and Java Developer's Guide, by Mark Matthews, Jim Cole, and Joseph Gradecki; Java Performance Tuning, by Jack Shirazi; and JDBC: Practical Guide for Java Programmers, by Gregory Speegle.


p.10 Letters

[author : you]

p.12 The New Adventures of Verity Stob

[author : Verity Stob]

p.14 News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

p.71 Of Interest

[author : Shannon Cochran]

p.72 Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]