2002 28.05 2004

Vol.28 n°5 (#348) may 2003


p.8 Editorial

[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



p.18 Dynamic Programming

[author : Mark A. Pumar]

Dynamic programming has been widely used to solve problems in science, engineering, and finance—and it's become the algorithm of choice for many large optimization problems.

p.37 The SquareList Data Structure

[author : Mark Sams]

The SquareList self-adjusting data structure Mark presents here performs basic tasks such as insert, delete, and findmin. It's particularly useful in programs that frequently require minimum and maximum values.

p.44 The Mithra Authentication Protocol

[author : Daniel Fremberg]

Mithra is an authentication protocol designed to detect Man-in-the-Middle attacks that try to steal your passwords.

p.54 XML & Relational Databases

[author : Andrew Conrad and Dare Obasanjo]

Andrew and Dare first examine the merits of an XML data model over the relational data model, then translate between the XML and relational query domains.

p.60 SA-C: Single Assignment C

[author : Willem Bohm, Ross Beveridge, Bruce Draper, Charles Ross, and Monica Chawathe]

SA-C, a high-level, C-like language with single assignment semantics, was designed for building applications that run on reconfigurable computing systems, such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).

p.66 Graph Canonicalization

[author : Brian Kelley]

Graph canonicalization lets you form unique text representations for graphs, thereby enabling quick text-based searching without resorting to time-consuming isomorphism algorithms.


p.70 Programmable Logic & Hardware

[author : Al Williams]

If performance, cost, and simplicity are important in your embedded design, then programmable logic such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) may be what you need.


p.77 Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Theories swirl as Michael ponders over what Apple, Microsoft, Phoenix, and others are up to.

p.80 Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

The way Ed sees it, software testing should be completely unnecessary. But in the real world, he knows better.

p.84 Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Gregory V. Wilson]

Data Munging with Perl, by David Cross; LDAP Programming, Management, and Integration, by Clayton Donley; Struts in Action, by Ted N. Husted, Cedric Dumoulin, George Franciscus, and David Winterfeldt; Mastering Jakarta Struts, by James Goodwill; and The Struts Framework: Practical Guide for Programmers, by Sue Spielman are the books Greg examines this month.


p.10 Letters

[author : you]

p.12 The New Adventures of Verity Stob

[author : Verity Stob]

p.14 News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

p.86 Of Interest

[author : Shannon Cochran]

p.88 Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]