2002 28.04 2004

Vol.28 n°4 (#347) april 2003


p.8 Editorial

[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito



p.16 2003 Dr. Dobb's Excellence in Programming Award

[author : Jonathan Erickson]

Don Chamberlin is the recipient of this year's Excellence in Programming Award for his groundbreaking work with SQL and (more recently) XML.

p.18 C++WSP: A C++ Web Services Platform

[author : Khushnood Naqvi and Yassar Sharaafath C.A.]

C++WSP quickly exposes existing C/C++ systems as web services, and it's more elegant than JNI while avoiding the platform limitations of .NET.

p.34 J2EE 1.4 Web Services

[author : Aaron E. Walsh]

Version 1.4 of Sun's Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is just about ready for release and its support for Web Services is one thing that sets it apart from previous version.

p.46 Memory Consistency & .NET

[author : Arch D. Robison]

Understanding the basics of memory consistency is essential to writing multithreaded code that works on both uniprocessors and multiprocessors.

p.52 Cross-Correlation and Matched Filters

[author : Shehrzad Qureshi]

Time-delay estimation of waveforms is of fundamental importance in signal-processing applications. Shehrzad uses matched filters, implemented via cross-correlation, to solve time delay problems.

p.60 Web Services & Datacenter Environments

[author : William F. Jolitz]

Forget your cellphones and wireless PDAs. Web services can be used even more effectively in Internet datacenters to solve client communication errors and other such problems.


p.66 Managing Devices with XML-RPC

[author : Brett Porter]

Brett presents a client-side monitor application (written in Python) that uses XML-RPC to monitor the state of a simulated device.


p.72 C Programming

[author : Al Stevens]

Al goes further with C++'s typename keyword—yet another underdocumented C++ feature.

p.79 Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

Real-time Linux is Ed's focus this month, as he reports on the Fourth Real-Time Linux Workshop, among other topics.

p.83 Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Gregory V. Wilson]

Greg takes a look at Creating Applications with Mozilla, by David Boswell, Brian King, Ian Oeschger, Pete Colins, and Eric Murphy; Java NIO, by Ron Hitchens; Performance Analysis for Java Web Sites, by Stacy Joines, Ruth Willenborg, and Ken Hygh; and Herding Cats: A Primer for Programmers Who Lead Programmers, by J. Hank Rainwater.


p.12 Letters

[author : you]

p.14 The New Adventures of Verity Stob

[author : Verity Stob]

p.10 News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

p.84 Of Interest

[author : Della Song]

p.88 Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]