[author : Robert Kiesling]
The Open DataBase Computing (ODBC) Standard provides an efficient way to write client-server apps, including those that are UNIX based. Robert focuses on the unixODBC library because of its support for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
[author : Giuseppe Naccarato]
This XSLT-based method of searching XML documents is easier to use, more flexible, and has better performance than the DOM- and SAX-based methods you're probably familiar with.
[author : David Hovel]
Active content and HTTP statelessness don't always mix. David uses the reflection capability of .NET languages to solve the problem for ASP.NET.
[author : Bogdan Dorohonceanu]
Fuzzy set theory makes possible the formalization of approximate reasoning. Bogdan presents a fuzzy number comparison method that's implemented in Java.
[author : Anton Okmianski]
In deciding on Berkeley DB, a lightweight embedded database from Sleepycat Software, Anton's first challenge was to design a database layer that mapped a relatively complex data schema into Berkeley DB's simple key/data pairs.
[author : Tom Pugh]
The technique Tom presents here lets you use third-party tools to test Windows CE-based systems.
[author : Al Stevens]
Al sets out to build a better ConsoleApp. Along the way, he discovers Visual-MinGW and Transcribe! before having a knock-down drag-out with the GDB debugger.
[author : Ed Nisley]
State machines are mechanisms that sit around in one of several distinct conditions, waiting for something to happen. And they're Ed's focus this month.
[author : Jack W. Woehr]
This month, Jack takes a look at Framework Process Patterns, by James Carey and Brent Carlson; and The MPEG-4 Book, edited by Fernando Pereira and Jouradj Ebrahimi.
[author : Jonathan Erickson]
[author : you]
[author : Verity Stob]
[author : Shannon Cochran]
[author : Della Song]
[author : Michael Swaine]
[author : Michael Swaine]