2001 27.04 2003

Vol.27 n°4 (#335) april 2002



p.19 Java's new Considered Harmful

[author : Jonathan Amsterdam]

Even though Java's new keyword is central to the language, there may be better ways of getting the job done.

p.28 Implementing the JMS Publish/Subscribe API

[author : Philip Rousselle]

The Java Message Service API provides a powerful message-passing API for distributed computing.

p.34 Java Security Architecture and Extensions

[author : Volker Roth]

The Java Cryptography Architecture is a framework that attempts to provide a common interface for accessing basic cryptographic primitives.

p.40 The MPEG-4 Java API & MPEGlets

[author : Aaron E. Walsh]

Aaron introduces a suite of Java APIs for MPEG-4 and shows how you can use them to build highly dynamic and interactive content.

p.46 GUMBIE: A GUI Generator for Jython

[author : Peter Brinkmann]

Jython is a 100 percent pure Java implementation of Python that makes Java scriptable. Peter uses it to build his Gumbie GUI tool.

p.52 Implementing C++ Servlet Containers

[author : John Hinke]

By combining the performance benefits of C++ and the power of the Java servlet API, you can more easily create robust web applications.


p.58 Tracking Down Killer Bugs

[author : Eric McRae]

When it comes to embedded system development, you occasionally run across a bug that eludes all normal techniques for discovery.


p.67 Globalized Web Applications & ASP.NET

[author : Max Poliashenko and Chip Andrews]

The .NET framework and ASP.NET provide many features to support development and deployment of international applications.


p.85 Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

p.89 C Programming

[author : Al Stevens]

p.93 Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

p.106 Dr. Ecco's Omniheurist Corner

[author : Dennis E. Shasha]


p.75 Programmer's Toolchest

[author : Paul Tremblett]

p.97 Java Q&A

[author : Tim Kientzle]

p.101 Algorithm Alley

[author : Michael Mitzenmacher]

p.108 Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Stathis Papaefstathiou]


p.8 Editorial

[author : Jonathan Erickson]

p.10 Letters

[author : you]

p.14 The New Adventures Of Verity Stob

[author : Verity Stob]

p.16 News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

p.110 Of Interest

[author : Della Song]

p.108 Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]