[author : Felix Toran-Marti, Javier Ventura-Traveset, and Juan Carlos de Mateo]
The European Space Agency's SISNET project takes satellite navigation signals and broadcasts them through the Internet to users in real time.
[author : Harry H. Cheng]
C99 is a milestone in C's evolution into becoming a viable programming language for scientific and numerical computing.
[author : Alexander Pletzer]
ELLIPT2D is a finite element package written in Python that's designed to solve elliptic equations in two dimensions.
[author : Forrest J. Cavalier III]
PHP2C++ is a PHP to C++ translator that Forrest uses to accelerate debugging and auditing.
[author : Matthias Kalle Dalheimer and Steffen Hansen]
Trolltech's Qt/Embedded toolkit is designed for development of Linux-based embedded devices.
[author : Amir Herzberg]
Amir examines several proposed XML security mechanisms, including XML Digital Signatures and XML Encryption.
[author : Michael Swaine]
[author : Al Stevens]
[author : Ed Nisley]
[author : Dennis E. Shasha]
[author : Lauren Hightower]
[author : Michael J. Yuan]
[author : Timothy Rolfe]
[author : Gregory V. Wilson]
[author : Jonathan Erickson]
[author : you]
[author : Verity Stob]
[author : Shannon Cochran]
[author : Della Song]
[author : Michael Swaine]