2001 27.02 2003

Vol.27 n°2 (#333) february 2002



p.21 The MIT Lightweight Languages Workshop

[author : Eugene Eric Kim]

So what happens if you bring together programming language implementors from industry and programming language researchers from academia? For starters, some lively debate about why programming languages are the way they are and where they might be going.

p.28 Mondrian for .NET

[author : Jason Smith, Nigel Perry, and Erik Meijer]

Mondrian is a modern, purely functional language specifically designed to leverage the possibilities of the .NET Framework.

p.36 The D Programming Language

[author : Walter Bright]

D is a programming language that looks a lot like C and C++, but eliminates features that make programs difficult to write, debug, test, and maintain.

p.42 Tcl/Tk and SKILL Mix It Up

[author : Christopher Nelson]

As Chris found out, adapting a GUI written in Tcl/Tk with SKILL — a proprietary language based on Lisp — is a job easier said than done.

p.48 The Fortran 2000 Standard

[author : Dan Nagle]

Among other features, Fortran 2000 fully supports object-oriented programming, IEEE floating point, and enhanced derived types and I/O.

p.54 Creating Libraries for Multiple Programming Languages

[author : Ken Martin, William Hoffman, and Berk Geveci]

If you ask five programmers what language they use, you'll probably get five different answers. So how do you develop libraries that support a wide range of languages? Here's one approach.


p.60 Bob Meets NUON

[author : David Betz]

Bob is a dynamic object-oriented language with syntax similar to C/C++, Java, and JavaScript — and it is used in NUON, a hardware/software platform for DVD players and set-top boxes.


p.67 Zope Page Templates

[author : Amos Latteier]

Zope Page Templates let you define dynamic content using attributes on existing HTML/XML tags.


p.77 Borland's CLX Component Framework

[author : Ray Lischner]

CLX is a component framework for cross-platform development from Borland Software that debuted in Kylix and Linux. It is also available for Windows in Delphi 6.


p.83 Programming Paradigms

[author : Michael Swaine]

Michael looks at the state of scripting tools for MacOS X, reviews a popular history of computer programming, and reports on recent developments in nanotechnology.

p.87 C Programming

[author : Al Stevens]

Al continues with his development of a C++ project for playing back music on a PC. This month, he addresses one part of it — waveform playback and recording on the Win32 platform.

p.90 Embedded Space

[author : Ed Nisley]

So, is embedded-systems development a cup you can pour Java into? That's the question Ed examines this month.

p.94 Java Q&A

[author : Surlu Rao]

Message-driven beans combine the features of container-managed EJB and the Java Messaging Service (JMS).

p.98 Algorithm Alley

[author : William R. Mahoney]

Here's yet another record-selection algorithm for your database toolbox.

p.101 Dr. Ecco's Omniheurist Corner

[author : Dennis E. Shasha]

Which member of the Napoleonic Society Dr. Ecco meets this month will come up short?

p.107 Programmer's Bookshelf

[author : Gregory V. Wilson]

The books Greg examines this month include C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization; Python Standard Library; Applying Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML; and Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics.


p.8 Editorial

[author : Jonathan Erickson]

p.10 Letters

[author : you]

p.16 The New Adventures Of Verity Stob

[author : Verity Stob]

p.18 News & Views

[author : Shannon Cochran]

p.110 Of Interest

[author : Della Song]

p.112 Swaine's Flames

[author : Michael Swaine]