[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : John Maddock]
Regex++ is a regular expression engine that makes C++ as versatile for text processing as script-based languages like Awk and Perl.
[author : Keith Paton]
Design flaws can be automatically detected, as long as you can extract and manipulate sets of key relationships among the entities in C++ systems.
[author : Jeffrey Taylor]
If arranged correctly, precompiled headers, like those in Visual C++, can double the build speed. However, it is possible also to arrange precompiled header files in a manner that is inconsistent with normal C++ semantics.
[author : Gregory Begelman, Lev Finkelstein, and Evgeniy Gabrilovich]
The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provides the set-theoretic operations union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference, accessible through the header file <algorithm>.
[author : Talbott Crowell]
Although C# is an evolution of C/C++ much like Java, it also borrows from other languages — and has facilities familiar to Perl. Talbott presents common Perl scripts that you can implement in C#.
[author : Boudewijn Rempt]
Boudewijn shows how you can embed a standard language such as Python into a Java application.
[author : Ron Hume]
Short Message Services (SMS) let you send short text-based messages between wireless devices, such as cell phones and pagers.
[author : M. Tim Jones]
Most HTTP servers for embedded devices place requirements on the design of embedded systems that adversely effect cost. The embeddable HTTP server Tim presents here is small, but still powerful enough to get the job done.
[author : Tim Chester]
ADO and MSXML are tools that can be used to create high-performance web sites. MSXML provides flexibility, but ADO offers performance.
[author : Lee Anne Phillips]
While the Internet is making inroads into the public switched-telephone network, XML protocols such as VoiceXML are providing access to a set of tools that address the entire range of web applications.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Michael proves once again that he is a man of the (other) world.
[author : Al Stevens]
Al continues his search for the perfect C++ class library for Linux.
[author : Ed Nisley]
"Real time" sometimes doesn't have anything to do with "RTOS." Ed examines the problems you face when you have to decide which clock is giving you the real time.
[author : Art Jolin]
Can J2EE manage cache and pool memory? Yes, and Art shows you how.
[author : Tom Cargill]
Data that compresses well under a run-length encoding mechanism can be encoded in a way that is compatible with LZW's output, but independent of its patented algorithm.
[author : Dennis E. Shasha]
Dr. Ecco and Liane divide their attention to add up the pluses and minuses in an effort to multiply the fun factor of Astrid Svensen's math class.
[author : Barbara Lach-Smith]
GPRS and 3G Wireless Applications: Professional Developer's Guide, by Christoffer Andersson, arrives just as the mobile Internet seems ready to take off.
[author : you]
[author : Shannon Cochran]
[author : Della Song]
[author : Michael Swaine]