[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Sverre Jarp]
The IA-64, also known as Itanium, is a 64-bit processor designed by Hewlett-Packard and Intel that supports performance-enhancing techniques such as predication, speculation, rotating registers, and the like. It also sports a new kind of instruction set based on the Explicit Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC) specification.
[author : Aart J.C. Bik, Milind Girkar, Paul M. Grey, and Xinmin Tian]
Recent trends in processor design have introduced new ways for programmers to exploit parallelism — and "smarter" compilers do much of the work for you.
[author : Dan Nagle]
Dan presents a Fortran module that helps you write multithreaded programs for Windows-based applications.
[author : Greg Nakhimovsky]
Multiprocessor/multithreaded environments add a new dimension to the familiar malloc facility. The "MT-hot" implementation Greg presents here lets multiple threads execute in parallel without major delays.
[author : Eugene Eric Kim]
Whether you know it or not, James Clark has made your life easier by creating a number of open-source tools such as expat (an XML parser), groff (a GNU version of troff), TREX (an XML schema language), and more.
[author : Jeff Ishaq]
Nothing can stop Palm development faster than unexpectedly running out of memory, so every byte of dynamic heap is precious. Jeff presents techniques for hunting down memory leaks, then provides a robust memory leak detection system.
[author : Steve Lardieri]
Using the ActiveX control Steve presents here, there's no need to resort to C++ when your Embedded Visual Basic applications need speed and power.
[author : Michael Larson]
"Streamhealth," the automated web-site monitoring tool Michael presents here, was designed to monitor streaming video, but is flexible enough to accommodate new stream types.
[author : Larry Smith and Cameron Laird]
Android is a tool for recording and playing back scripts of events. In other words, it is a personal assistant that's smart enough to "do what you mean" when drudge work is waiting.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Michael gets back to Basics again, then turns his attention to Tim Berners-Lee's newest project — the Semantic Web. Puzzled? Michael's got that, too.
[author : Al Stevens]
Being on the road with the DobbsMobile means that Al gets a Linux editor and compiler — almost.
[author : Ed Nisley]
There's "soft" real time, "hard" real time, and to Ed's way of thinking, there's also "brittle" real time.
[author : Christophe de Dinechin]
Moka is a Java-to-Java compiler that lets you extend Java to add features the language currently does not support.
[author : Erik Demaine]
Dynamically resizable arrays are an important answer to many problems. Erik describes several ways to resize an array, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
[author : Dennis E. Shasha]
It may be Greek to you, but it is just another archaeological problem for Natasha as she returns to Ecco and Liane's digs.
[author : Jeff Cromwell]
Jeff comes clean with his examination of XML and SOAP Programming for BizTalk Servers, by Brain Travis; Understanding SOAP, by Kenn Scribner and Mark Stiver; Applied XML Solutions, by Benoit Marchal; and Developing XML Solutions, by Jake Sturm.
[author : you]
[author : Nicholas Baran]
[author : Shannon Cochran and Della Song]
[author : Michael Swaine]