[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : David K. Perelman-Hall]
JDK 1.1 lightweight components let you give programs exactly the same look-and-feel — no matter which platform hosts the VM. To examine lightweight component development, David presents his dph.awt.lightweight package.
[author : Tim Kientzle]
Most search engines are designed for web sites. The Java search engine Tim presents here, however, was designed for use on HTML-based CD-ROMs. The differences might surprise you.
[author : Bill Loeb]
The Java 2D API is a set of functions that is a much more flexible and full-featured rendering package than previous versions of the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). It provides enhanced graphics, text, and image handling, supports color definition and composition, and is extensible.
[author : Morgan Kinne]
JavaBeans are reusable software components that can be manipulated by visual programming tools. Morgan shows how you build property editors, focusing on the relationships between the visual tool, property editor, and bean.
[author : Jaison Dolvane and Kumanan Yogaratnam]
In the second installment of this two-part article, Jaison and Kumanan examine the hardware requirements for PersonalJava applications, discuss the embedded operating systems that support PersonalJava, and put PersonalJava and Kalos Expresso to work by developing a phone directory application for a web-phone appliance.
[author : S. Balamurugan]
The Jperl package, written in C++, provides an interface to Perl from Java, and Jperl's APIs also make accessing Perl from C++ simple. This article outlines the capabilities of Jperl and explores its features.
[author : Darryl Barnes]
Although the Java Card specification is a subset of Java designed for smart card applications, the Java Card API has little in common with the standard Java API. Darryl discusses Java Card and presents a typical smart card applet.
[author : Paul Brigner]
Both Netscape and Microsoft have facilities for signed, persistent applet deployment that extends the Java security framework. This should come as no surprise; however, that doesn't mean that you use these facilities the same way.
[author : David M. Johnson]
David compares Microsoft's Windows Foundation Classes (WFC) with Sun's Java Foundation Classes (JFC) framework by developing an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) chat-client called "Relay."
[author : Robb Shecter]
Robb presents step-by-step instructions for making applications both reusable and independent using a technique called "design by interface" and the NetComponents class library from ORO.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Carl Sassenrath is a rebel with a cause — and that cause is Rebol, a messaging-based programming language designed for networks and the Internet.
[author : Al Stevens]
Quincy 99 goes into testing, as Al prepares it for use for developing D-Flat 2000, a Win32 application framework that uses Standard C++ features.
[author : Dave Angel and Andy Wilson]
Dave and Andy show how you can store a Java app in a self-executing encrypted file. In doing so, they present CodePacker, a custom loader that is both easy to install — it's self-extracting — and secure.
[author : Andrew Colin]
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a decision-making tool reducing complex decisions to a series of comparisons and rankings. The results are then combined to give a single, unequivocal result.
[author : Dennis E. Shasha]
Dr. Ecco and Liane dig up some dirt about archeologists in this month's installment.
[author : Gregory V. Wilson]
Greg looks at a number of books this month, including The Essence of SQL, by David Rozenshtein, The Perl Cookbook, by Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington, High Performance Computing, Second Edition, by Kevin Dowd and Charles Severance, JavaScript for the World Wide Web, Second Edition, by Tom Negrino and Dori Smith, AntiPatterns, by William J. Brown, Raphael C. Malveau, Hays W. McCormick III, and Thomas J. Mowbray, and Beginning Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with C++, by Jesse Liberty.
[author : you]
[author : the DDJ staff]
[author : Eugene Eric Kim]
[author : Michael Swaine]