[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Jack Woehr]
Network security is a concept whose time clearly has come, and, as Jack finds out this month, DSNT chief scientist Eva Bozoki is in the thick of things, security wise.
[author : Antoon Bosselaers, Hans Dobbertin, and Bart Preneel]
Cryptographic hash functions are an essential building block for applications that require data integrity. In this article, our authors propose that the RIPEMD-160 hash function is a secure replacement for MD4 and MD5.
[author : Hugo Lyppens]
For any number of reasons, Reed-Solomon error correction is commonly implemented in hardware. Here, Hugo presents a highly optimized software implementation of Reed-Solomon error correction, written in C++ and assembly language.
[author : Mark R. Nelson]
Mark examines zlib, a library of C routines that can be used to compress or expand files using the same deflate algorithm popularized by PKZIP 2.0.
[author : Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell]
Mark and Bryce present the design and implementation of NTRegmon, a tool that uses hooking to show detailed information about each and every registry access that occurs on a Windows NT system.
[author : Alan Johnson]
Steganography is a branch of cryptography that deals with concealing messages.
[author : Eddy Quicksall and Ken Gibson]
To ease the process of writing device drivers for new hardware designs, our authors present a simulation environment. To illustrate its use, they use the sample Adaptec AHA-1540 SCSI miniport driver that comes with the Windows NT DDK.
[author : John Swartz]
John uses Xlisp to implement a computer simulation of the essential components of the Denver airport automated baggage fiasco, er... system.
[author : Les Thaler]
The Extended Messaging Application Programming Interface 1.0, not to be confused with the previous-generation "Simple MAPI," was created to standardize the interfaces between messaging applications and the underlying messaging systems.
[author : Lauren Hightower]
Allaire's Cold Fusion is a development tool that provides access (via the Web) to any database the web server can access using ODBC. Cold Fusion runs as a multithreaded Windows NT system service and works with any ODBC-compliant database.
[author : Dino Esposito]
The Fractal Development Kit from Iterated Systems is a library that makes it possible for you to embed fractal-imaging capabilities into C/C++ Windows and Macintosh applications.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Michael looks at paradigms past, focusing this month on spreadsheets.
[author : Al Stevens]
Users expect standard Windows Help for all applications, no matter how small or how intuitive the procedures. To that end, Al updates a property page dialog-based application to include context-sensitive help for the controls on the dialog pages.
[author : Cliff Berg]
Cliff examines how you can use Java to implement a CORBA application that is representative of the way CORBA is likely to be used. In doing so, he revisits the chat application introduced in a previous column.
[author : John Boyer]
Heaps are usually implemented via binary trees, with the property that for every subtree, the root is the minimum item. Here, John describes how to implement exceptionally fast "Fibonacci" heaps.
[author : Robert R. Collins]
Robert launches an examination of the Intel System Management Mode (SMM), comparing the SMM's RSM instruction to the ICE mode's undocumented LOADALL instruction.
[author : Ron van der Wal and William Stallings]
Ron examines Stanley Lippman's Inside the C++ Object Model, while William looks at Peter Wayner's Disappearing Cryptography: Being and Nothingness on the Net.
[author : you]
[author : the DDJ staff]
[author : Eugene Eric Kim]
[author : Michael Swaine]