[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Adrian McCarthy]
Testing a function, module, or object in isolation from the rest of the program — referred to as "unit testing" — coupled with rerunning tests to detect unexpected changes in behavior ("regression testing") can dramatically reduce your bug counts. Adrian describes how to build effective units tests and automate regression testing.
[author : Rainer Storn]
The debug/trace tool Rainer presents here is useful when you don't have a powerful debugger at hand, and also when you need to build trace functionality into your code for error-spotting support at the client's site.
[author : Alan Walworth]
As Java development takes off, so does the need to test GUI applications written in Java. Alan examines Java GUI testing issues and presents a test harness written in and for Java.
[author : Tony Zhang]
Tony presents the core subroutines of a disassembler written in Perl. Although designed for Intel's x86 instruction set, you can easily modify or customize the disassembler for your own applications.
[author : Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell]
Mark and Bryce open up the inner workings of the NT filesystem by describing how a filesystem request originates in a user's program and ends up as a disk access. They also present an application called Filemon that monitors and displays all filesystem activity.
[author : Everett F. Carter, Jr.]
Designing and building autonomous robots presents a host of technical challenges. Our author focuses on one of these challenges, describing the high-level processing he implemented in designing a robot-control system.
[author : Volker Lendecke] #60
The Linux kernel nfs, smbfs, and ncpfs filesystems make it possible to link Linux machines to file servers across a LAN — even though Microsoft's SMB protocol is not designed to handle UNIX clients like Linux. Volker presents a workaround for this limitation.
[author : Scott Meyers and Martin Klaus]
Our authors examine a bevy of off-the-shelf tools that parse and analyze C++ source code, enabling you to detect troublesome C++ code via static analysis.
[author : Ron van der Wal]
In an ideal world, development progresses smoothly from requirements to completion. In the real world, errors creep in. Ron examines a collection of commercially available automated testing tools that aid in ferreting out those errors.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Apple, Java, and the BeBox are on Michael's mind this month.
[author : Al Stevens]
Al presents MIDI Xchg, a program that tests the MIDI data stream by sending event messages from one device to another as fast as possible.
[author : Cliff Berg]
This month, Cliff shows how you can use Java's distributed programming model and access a SQL database from a Java applet.
[author : Oleg Kiselyov]
Hoping to find the most efficient line between two points, Oleg examines scheduling algorithms and NP-complete problems.
[author : George Shepherd and Scot Wingo]
George and Scot continue their examination of the CSplitterWnd class, this month showing how you can apply knowledge of the CSplitterWnd internals to solve common MFC programming problems.
[author : Phil Mitchell]
Phil goes back to the future in his look at Thomas Landauer's The Trouble With Computers and The Future of Software, edited by Derek Leebaert.
[author : you]
[author : the DDJ staff]
[author : Eugene Eric Kim]
[author : Michael Swaine]