[author : Ray Valdés]
You can't tell the players without a program. DDJ's senior technical editor surveys the world of interoperable objects, from object models to compound-document architectures.
[author : Mark Betz]
The Object Management Group's Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) specification is foundation of distributed-computing systems such as IBM's DSOM and Sunsoft's DOE, among others.
[author : Sara Williams and Charlie Kindel]
Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) is a component-software architecture that allows applications and systems to be built from components supplied by different software vendors.
[author : F.R. Campagnoni]
The System Object Model (SOM), the linchpin of IBM's approach to interoperable objects, will eventually underlie all of IBM's object-technology offerings, including OpenDoc, the Taligent frameworks, and the Workplace family of operating systems.
[author : Jeff Rush]
OpenDoc is an open-architecture-enabling technology designed by Apple for creating compound documents which can contain many different types of data, such as text, graphics, tables, video, sound, and animation.
[author : Michael Potel and Jack Grimes]
The Taligent system is a web of frameworks that includes an object-oriented application-programming model, a fully object-oriented operating environment, and a suite of framework-based developer tools that complement the programming model.
[author : Kraig Brockschmidt]
OLE 2.0, which is built upon Microsoft's COM, is a component-integration technology for interoperable objects that can be located inside applications, in-process DLLs, or out-of-process EXEs.
[author : Joseph Firmage]
Novell's AppWare Bus provides the tools and technologies to rapidly develop client applications that leverage existing network services.
[author : Dennis Gentry]
The Portable Distributed Objects system and Distributed Objects, subsets of NextStep technology, make it possible to construct and maintain complex client/server apps in a heterogeneous environment.
[author : Ray Valdés]
The best way to see how one approach to interoperable objects differs from another is to review actual code.