[author : Jonathon Erickson] #Edito
[author : Kevin Leary]
Numerical C, a new high-level language built on the Free Software Foundation's GNU C compiler (gcc), makes it easier to code mathematically intensive applications such as those used with digital-signal processing. Numerical C is a superset of ANSI C, differing in that the additional language constructs are geared towards mathematical programming paradigms.
[author : Timothy D. Nestved]
To compete in the global software market, application software must accommodate any country's locale conventions, culture, and written language. Tim presents strategies and code for migrating existing C source code from ANSI to Unicode, independent of any operating system, compiler, or API.
[author : Greg Voss]
PCC, Greg's Polymorphic C interpreter, combines the benefits of incremental compilation with a mainstream language, making it particularly useful in developing and debugging C routines used in Windows applications.
[author : Tom Pennello]
Namespaces make it possible to encapsulate library names in a library namespace. Tom examines namespaces and suggests ways you can make good use of them.
[author : Jack Woehr]
Lotfi Zadeh discusses Japan's Sendai train and verbally spars with William Kahan, who shares his two cents worth on fuzzy logic.
[author : Reginald B. Charney]
Data attribute notation is an object-oriented coding style that emphasizes data abstractions.
[author : Dan Ford]
A callback is a function that's registered at run time with a data structure or object. The object then calls the function when particular events occur. You can use the C++ class Dan presents here to easily and quickly add callback lists to your own classes.
[author : Jim Conger]
The combination of the mail functions in MAPI.DLL and the APPEXEC.DLL library give you the flexibility to build your own application right into the fabric of the Microsoft Mail system. Jim's program, written in Visual C++, sends and receives both standard text messages and special message types.
[author : Dennis Merritt]
Two languages can be better than one. Dennis shares a C/Prolog interface which he used to build an expert system that identifies IRQ conflicts. David Hovel adds a note on how Prolog and C are used to manage Windows NT network configuration.
[author : Neil G. Rowland, Jr.]
Neil presents a C++ class library for speech synthesis using the Windows 3.1 Multimedia API. With this library, you can write a Windows app that generates speech on any MPC-compatible sound card.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Michael chats with Lee Buck about the coming changes to application-development tools that are being spurred on by reusable software and component objects.
[author : Al Stevens]
Quincy, the C interpreter that Al's been developing over the past few months, operates from within an integrated development environment with an integrated editor, debugger, and translator. This month, Al focuses on the debugger. He also mulls over what Bjarne Stroustrup has to say about preprocessors.
[author : Bruce Schneier]
In this month's column, William Stallings examines how Bloom filters can be used to provide computer-generated passwords that are generally more secure than familiar, easy-to-guess passwords.
[author : Andrew Schulman]
Troy Folger unravels OS/2's Dos Query Process Status API, the undocumented interface that PSTAT uses to obtain low-level OS/2 2.x system information.
[author : Al Stevens]
This month, DDJ's resident C columnist looks at Stroustrup's The Design and Evolution of C++ and Duntemann and Pronk's Inside the PowerPC Revolution.
[author : You]
[author : Michael Swaine]
[author : Monica E. Berg]