1992 Special 1994

Windows programming 1993

text on archive.org (DVD)



[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito


A Multitool Approach to Windows Development

[author : Al Stevens]

No single Windows development tool can meet all of your needs. Al describes a multitool approach to Windows development.

Memory-mapped File I/O

[author : Doug Huffman]

Memory-mapped file I/O (MMFIO) lets you map a file into a linear address space with a call to the operating system. Eric Bergman-Terrell uses NT's MMFIO for sorting.

Multitasking Fortran and Windows NT

[author : Shankar Vaidyanathan]

Here are interface statements and coding guidelines that let you write Fortran programs that call the Win32 C-type API directly.

VWINL, a Virtual Window Library

[author : Al Williams]

Al's VWinL library provides automatic window management for Windows 3.1, NT, and Win32s.

Faking DDE with Private Servers

[author : Joseph M. Newcomer]

When Joe needed a client/server architecture within the application itself, this was his solution.

Horizontally Scrollable Listboxes

[author : Ted Faison]

Here's a C++ listbox class which manages all of the details for scrolling horizontally within a listbox.

Writing Portable Windows Applications

[author : David Van Camp]

Moving from Windows 3 to Windows NT needn't be a headache if you follow David's simple guidelines.

Getting to Know TrueType

[author : Steven Reichenthal]

The Windows API GetGlyphOutline() function is at the heart of this font-viewing program.

Writing Windows Custom Controls

[author : Dan Brindle]

Dan modifies the standard Windows radio button to create a custom VCR-style button.

A Generic SQL Class Library

[author : Ken North]

Ken presents a C++ SQL class library for multi-DBMS programming.

Threads for Windows 3

[author : David Lee]

Unlike NT, Windows 3 doesn't provide direct support for threads. With the techniques David illustrates here, you can implement non-preemptive threads in Windows 3.