[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : P.J. Plauger]
Speculating on the eventual success or failure of a programming language is a popular, if not demanding, pastime where everyone's best guess is as good as anyone else's.
[author : Jim Fleming]
C+@ (pronounced "cat"), an object-oriented language out of AT&T Bell Labs, has the syntax of C and the power of Smalltalk. Unlike C++, however, C+@ includes a library of more than 350 classes.
[author : Robert Jervis]
Parasol, short for "Parallel Systems Object Language," was influenced by C and Smalltalk, although the design also reflects C++, CLU, Algol, and Turbo Pascal.
[author : Stephen M. Omohundro]
Sather, a language that's simple, interactive, and nonproprietary, has parameterized classes, object-oriented dispatch, statically-checked strong typing, multiple inheritance, garbage collection, and more.
[author : Ray Valdes]
Liana is an object-oriented programming language specifically designed for creating Windows applications. Like C++, Liana uses classes and member functions to provide encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Unlike C++, Liana does not use pointers or support multiple inheritance.
[author : Steve Mann]
Since Beta was designed by the same community that developed Stimula, it's no surprise that this language resembles its object-oriented predecessor.
[author : Robert Howard]
Eiffel is a class-based language that supports multiple and repeated inheritance, selective exporting, strong type checking, parameterized classes, dynamic binding, garbage collection, and exception handling.
[author : David Betz]
David dusts off AdvSys, an object-oriented adventure-writing language, adding multiple inheritance to it. The result is "Dave's Recycled Object-Oriented Language" (or "Drool" for short).
[author : Diane McGary]
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Software Entrepreneurs' Forum, Diane shares guerrilla marketing tips for successfully getting your software into user's hands.
[author : Reginald B. Charney]
C++ manipulators and applicators are most often used with the I/O streams package. However, you can use them with any type of class which has overloaded operators.
[author : Eric McRae]
Eric describes his winning entry in the Motorola 68HC16 design contest. The problem he faced involved dealing with multiple independent periodic processes running simultaneously.
[author : Oliver Sharp]
Perl, a language designed to handle a variety of system-administration tasks, makes handling the socket protocol easier still. Oliver shows how you can write Perl scripts that communicate across networks of UNIX machines.
[author : Michael Floyd]
Comparing one language to another usually is like comparing coconuts to kumquats. To make comparisons easier, we implemented a double-ended linked-list class in C++, then in Smalltalk, Eiffel, Sather, Objective-C, Parasol, Beta, Turbo Pascal, C+@, Liana, Ada, and, yes, even Drool.
[author : Michael Swaine]
It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Michael's inclined to quest after chaos. He then gets small—real small—as he explores nanotechnology and itty-bitty machines.
[author : Al Stevens]
Last month, Al examined C++ exception handling in a general sense. This month, he looks at how the new 32-bit Watcom C/C++ 9.5 compiler goes about implementing exception handling.
[author : Tom Swan]
Tom presents a selection-sampling algorithm—a technique useful when reducing a large collection of records to a more manageable subset.
[author : Andrew Schulman]
Pete Davis continues his exploration of the undocumented Windows .HLP file format.
[author : Jonathan Erickson]
If you're getting serious about speech recognition, Computational Models of American Speech is a book to pick up before going any further.
[author : you]
[author : Michael Swaine]