[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Mac A. Cody]
Fast wavelet transformations pick up where fast Fourier transforms leave off.
[author : Ron Avitzur]
Ron discusses the design and implementation of a writer-dependent, platform-independent recognition engine for handprinted text.
[author : Bruce Schneier]
The red-black algorithm, a twist on the classic binary search tree, uses an efficient mechanism for balancing trees.
[author : Anton Kruger]
BTC preserves image statistics, resulting in compressed images requiring 75 percent less disk space.
[author : Ray Valdes]
Precise sequence comparisons are basic to molecular biology research and handwriting recognition.
[author : William Frederick Jolitz and Lynne Greer Jolitz]
Our discussion of 386 BSD device drivers continues, focusing on interrupt routines.
[author : Richard Kryszak]
Multiuser DOS from Digital Research is an MS-DOS compatible, multitasking operating system that's a good platform for control systems.
[author : Raymond J. Schneider]
Ray shows how mathematical chaos works by graphically exploring Lorenz equations.
[author : Roman E. Maeder]
The rule-based paradigm in Mathematica's programming language lets you write code that closely matches the formulation of the problem to be solved.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Michael examines the life of Ada Lovelace and ponders whether programming is an art or a science.
[author : Al Stevens]
Menus are added to D-Flat in this month's installment.
[author : Jeff Duntemann]
Jeff continues his exploration of Turbo Vision, focusing on how Turbo Pascal handles collections.
[author : Michael Abrash]
Raw speed and hidden surfaces are Michael's topics this month.
[author : Andrew Schulman]
Andrew makes the case that the best programming books are written by and for programmers.
[author : you]
[author : Michael Swaine]
[author : Tami Zemel]