[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Randall Hyde]
The University of California Riverside Standard Library for 80x86 assembly language programmers provides a slate of useful high-level assembly language routines.
[author : Donald J. McSwain]
ASM programmers, like their high-level language counterparts, can use object-oriented programming techniques to develop reusable, maintainable code.
[author : Nicholas Wilt]
Contrary to popular notions, numeric coprocessor code can be optimized using assembly language in much the same way as integer-based code.
[author : William Frederik Jolitz and Lynne Greer Jolitz]
Entering, exiting, and masking various processor interrupts are covered this month.
[author : Rick Knoblaugh]
Debugging device drivers is a snap with this monitoring program.
[author : Michael J. Young]
Abort procedures process Windows messages and yield control to applications on a regular basis.
[author : Bob Lowell]
Advanced Micro Devices' 29000 RISC coprocessor can achieve high performance without greatly impacting the hardware component cost of controller boards.
[author : Al Stevens]
The Lotus OMI defines a platform-independent method for applications to exchange e-mail.
[author : Gordon Free]
Blackbird, a communications library based on the ISO reference model architecture, was developed by Traveling Software for use in its file transfer software.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Michael looks to the future, when deciding what's relevant will be the key to success.
[author : Al Stevens]
The D-Flat saga continues with LISTBOX window class, the base class for pop-down menus.
[author : Jeff Duntemann]
Jeff scales the twin towers of analysis and design.
[author : Michael Abrash]
Michael boosts the performance of his 3-D animation code using fixed-point arithmetic.
[author : Ray Duncan]
The "true" history of the computer industry depends on which book you read.
[author : you]
[author : Michael Swaine]
[author : Tami Zemel]