[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Michael Abrash]
Optimizations that work with one member of the 80x86 family sometimes aren't efficient with one another. Michael shares his optimization rules for achieving maximum performance—no matter which 80x86 CPU you're programming.
[author : Ken Skier]
Assembly language macros make code more readable without sacrificing the traditional assembly language benefits of small code size and top performance.
[author : William Frederick Jolitz and Lynne Greer Jolitz]
Using their protected mode program loader, Bill and Lynne create a minimal 80386 protected mode standalone C programming environment for operating systems kernel development.
[author : Bruce Tonkin]
Here's a technique for speeding up disk access for many applications without buying faster, more expensive hardware.
[author : Dan Troy]
Dan discusses the development of an application that emulates a VT100 terminal using just about every feature of a touch-sensitive display.
[author : Al Stevens]
Mewel is a text-based library that supports SAA/CUA compliant windows, menus, and data entry templates. And its nearly source compatible with the Windows 3.0 API.
[author : Mike Klein]
Mike develops a network message sending utility using Microsoft C 6.0, the Windows 3.0 SDK , and Novell's NetWare C Interface.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Michael interviews computer pioneer Bill Duvall who is back in the Valley again, directing future HyperCard development.
[author : Al Stevens]
Al explores event-driven programming, developing along the way drivers for the mouse, keyboard, and screen.
[author : Jeff Duntemann]
Jeff wonders what came first—the rubber chicken or the UART?
[author : Michael Abrash]
Last month's code for filling convex polygons is optimized using—you guessed it—assembly language.
[author : Andrew Schulman]
Three assembly language-related books—Zen of Assembly Language, Structured Computer Organization, and 80x86 Architecture and Programming—are the focus of this month's column.
[author : you]
[author : Michael Swaine]
[author : Janna Custer]