[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Rabindra P. Kar]
The beauty of data-flow architectures, as Robin explains here, is that they let you harness the power of multiple processors to process a stream of data in a sequential algorithm.
[author : Mark Streich]
Mark uses the DESQview API to develop dvmake, a parallel make that can easily run four tasks at once, and that you can use and afford.
[author : N.H. Gehani and W.D. Roome]
Concurrent C is designed to extend C for parallel programming. Here, the designers of the language use it to write a real-time tty controller.
[author : Andrew Schulman]
Andrew explains the hows and whys of run-time dynamic linking under OS/2, and writes a mini C interpreter in the process.
[author : Anders Hejlsberg]
When packaged in library modules, container objects can extend the underlying programming language by adding stacks, queues, trees, dynamic arrays, hash tables, and other such data structures.
[author : Steve Heller]
With KRAM — Steve’s "keyed random access method" program — you can retrieve any record in a multimegabyte file with a single disk access and any record in any size file with a maximum of two accesses.
[author : Barr E. Bauer]
In this month’s "Examining Room," Barr explores the parallelization scheme implemented by Silicon Graphics, using a Fortran test program to get to the bottom line of high-performance computing.
[author : Michael Swaine]
Mike looks at two early neural net implementations, MINOS II and ADAM I, both of which used analog devices to implement parallel algorithms in largely discrete systems.
[author : Al Stevens]
Al develops a linked list class for C++ and takes a quick look at what’s available in the way of C++ compilers and preprocessors. When it comes to ANSI C, Al finds that some things have changed, while other things never do.
[author : Jeff Duntemann]
Jeff and his cast of characters examine the subject of polymorphism and how object-oriented Pascal programmers can use it to their advantage.
[author : you]
[author : Michael Swaine]
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[author : compiled by Janna Custer]
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