1988 14.11 1990

Vol.14 n°11 (#157) november 1989

Vol.14 n°11 (#157) november 1989


p.6 EDITORIAL (p.743 in reprint volume 14)

p.6 EDITORIAL (p.743 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito




p.16 DATA-FLOW MULTITASKING (p.747 in reprint volume 14)

p.16 DATA-FLOW MULTITASKING (p.747 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Rabindra P. Kar]

The beauty of data-flow architectures, as Robin explains here, is that they let you harness the power of multiple processors to process a stream of data in a sequential algorithm.

p.28 A PARALLEL make WITH DESQVIEW (p.751 in reprint volume 14)

p.28 A PARALLEL make WITH DESQVIEW (p.751 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Mark Streich]

Mark uses the DESQview API to develop dvmake, a parallel make that can easily run four tasks at once, and that you can use and afford.

p.38 CONCURRENT C FOR REAL-TIME PROGRAMMING (p.756 in reprint volume 14)

p.38 CONCURRENT C FOR REAL-TIME PROGRAMMING (p.756 in reprint volume 14)

[author : N.H. Gehani and W.D. Roome]

Concurrent C is designed to extend C for parallel programming. Here, the designers of the language use it to write a real-time tty controller.

p.46 LINKING WHILE THE PROGRAM IS RUNNING (p.761 in reprint volume 14)

p.46 LINKING WHILE THE PROGRAM IS RUNNING (p.761 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Andrew Schulman]

Andrew explains the hows and whys of run-time dynamic linking under OS/2, and writes a mini C interpreter in the process.

p.56 CONTAINER OBJECT TYPES IN TURBO PASCAL (p.767 in reprint volume 14)

p.56 CONTAINER OBJECT TYPES IN TURBO PASCAL (p.767 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Anders Hejlsberg]

When packaged in library modules, container objects can extend the underlying programming language by adding stacks, queues, trees, dynamic arrays, hash tables, and other such data structures.

p.66 EXTENSIBLE HASHING (p.771 in reprint volume 14)

p.66 EXTENSIBLE HASHING (p.771 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Steve Heller]

With KRAM — Steve’s "keyed random access method" program — you can retrieve any record in a multimegabyte file with a single disk access and any record in any size file with a maximum of two accesses.



p.72 OPTIMIZING IN A PARALLEL ENVIRONMENT (p.774 in reprint volume 14)

p.72 OPTIMIZING IN A PARALLEL ENVIRONMENT (p.774 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Barr E. Bauer]

In this month’s "Examining Room," Barr explores the parallelization scheme implemented by Silicon Graphics, using a Fortran test program to get to the bottom line of high-performance computing.



p.124 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.799 in reprint volume 14)

p.124 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.799 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Michael Swaine]

Mike looks at two early neural net implementations, MINOS II and ADAM I, both of which used analog devices to implement parallel algorithms in largely discrete systems.

p.133 C PROGRAMMING (p.802 in reprint volume 14)

p.133 C PROGRAMMING (p.802 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Al Stevens]

Al develops a linked list class for C++ and takes a quick look at what’s available in the way of C++ compilers and preprocessors. When it comes to ANSI C, Al finds that some things have changed, while other things never do.

p.142 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.806 in reprint volume 14)

p.142 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.806 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jeff Duntemann]

Jeff and his cast of characters examine the subject of polymorphism and how object-oriented Pascal programmers can use it to their advantage.



p.8 LETTERS (p.744 in reprint volume 14)

p.8 LETTERS (p.744 in reprint volume 14)

[author : you]

p.168 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.817 in reprint volume 14)

p.168 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.817 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Michael Swaine]



p.160 ADVERTISER INDEX (not in reprint volume 14)

p.160 ADVERTISER INDEX (not in reprint volume 14)

where to go for more information on products

p.161 OF INTEREST (p.815 in reprint volume 14)

p.161 OF INTEREST (p.815 in reprint volume 14)

[author : compiled by Janna Custer]

p.162 PROGRAMMER’S MARKETPLACE (not in reprint volume 14)

p.162 PROGRAMMER’S MARKETPLACE (not in reprint volume 14)

classified ads