1988 14.10 1990

Vol.14 n°10 (#156) october 1989

Vol.14 n°10 (#156) october 1989


p.6 EDITORIAL (p.671 in reprint volume 14)

p.6 EDITORIAL (p.671 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito






[author : Mark Servello]

If you’ve been asking yourself what to do with that dust-covered minicomputer in the back room, Mark offers a productive suggestion, and shows you how to do it.

p.29 LZW DATA COMPRESSION (p.680 in reprint volume 14)

p.29 LZW DATA COMPRESSION (p.680 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Mark R. Nelson]

We all know that less is better, especially when it comes to data transfer and storage. Mark shows how more can be less, and that’s what data compression is all about.

p.38 HIGH-SPEED FILE TRANSFERS WITH NETBIOS (p.684 in reprint volume 14)

p.38 HIGH-SPEED FILE TRANSFERS WITH NETBIOS (p.684 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Costas Menico]

Costas shows you how to take advantage of the high-speed data transfer facilities LANs provide, without having to bite the LAN bullet.

p.45 FINITE STATE MACHINES FOR XMODEM (p.687 in reprint volume 14)

p.45 FINITE STATE MACHINES FOR XMODEM (p.687 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Donald W. Smith]

If the chaos of communications is getting you down, a finite state machine may be what you need. Don describes how to implement one for the XModem protocol.

p.52 HAMMING-CODE DECODING (p.691 in reprint volume 14)

p.52 HAMMING-CODE DECODING (p.691 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Ben White]

Reliability and efficiency are the cornerstones of data communications. Ben examines the Hamming-code method of ensuring these qualities and shows you how to implement this approach.

p.61 EXECUTABLE SPECIFICATIONS WITH PROLOG (p.694 in reprint volume 14)

p.61 EXECUTABLE SPECIFICATIONS WITH PROLOG (p.694 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Gregory L. Lazarev]

Gregory discusses how executable specifications can be generated from a data flow diagram using Prolog’s declarative and procedural capabilities.

p.70 A GLOBAL VARIABLE DEVICE DRIVER FOR MS-DOS (p.699 in reprint volume 14)

p.70 A GLOBAL VARIABLE DEVICE DRIVER FOR MS-DOS (p.699 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jim Mischel]

If you need a way to maintain true system-wide global variables for your DOS applications, Jim’s GLOVAR program should fill the bill.



p.74 FIRST LOOK AT COMMONVIEW (p.701 in reprint volume 14)

p.74 FIRST LOOK AT COMMONVIEW (p.701 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Noel J. Bergman]

This month in ‘Examining Room,’ Noel examines Common View, an object-oriented library for mapping graphical-user interfaces onto a set of object classes, to find out if it really does make it easier to write Windows and Presentation Manager applications.



p.112 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.721 in reprint volume 14)

p.112 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.721 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Michael Swaine]

Delving deeper into neural nets, Michael arrives at Dave Parker’s doorstep to find out what this NN pioneer is up to now; and Parker shares a back propagation demonstration program from way back when.

p.123 C PROGRAMMING (p.725 in reprint volume 14)

p.123 C PROGRAMMING (p.725 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Al Stevens]

Al’s collection of C++ tools continues to grow, as he provides object-oriented versions of standard menus he developed last year with regular C. He also brings you up to date on ANSI C.

p.132 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.729 in reprint volume 14)

p.132 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.729 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jeff Duntemann]

Object-oriented programming has introduced more new terms than we'd care to shake a stick at. This month, Jeff sorts out and clears up some of those terms, at least as they apply to Smalltalk, Actor, QuickPascal, and Turbo Pascal.



p.10 LETTERS (p.672 in reprint volume 14)

p.10 LETTERS (p.672 in reprint volume 14)

[author : you]

p.168 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.740 in reprint volume 14)

p.168 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.740 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Michael Swaine]

p.152 ADVERTISER INDEX (not in reprint volume 14)

p.152 ADVERTISER INDEX (not in reprint volume 14)

where to go for more information on products

p.158 OF INTEREST (p.738 in reprint volume 14)

p.158 OF INTEREST (p.738 in reprint volume 14)

[author : compiled by Janna Custer]

p.160 PROGRAMMER’S MARKETPLACE (not in reprint volume 14)

p.160 PROGRAMMER’S MARKETPLACE (not in reprint volume 14)

classified ads