1988 14.05 1990

Vol.14 n°5 (#151) may 1989

Vol.14 n°5 (#151) may 1989


p.6 EDITORIAL (p.291 in reprint volume 14)

p.6 EDITORIAL (p.291 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito




p.14 CREATING TSRs WITH TURBO PASCAL, PART I (p.294 in reprint volume 14)

p.14 CREATING TSRs WITH TURBO PASCAL, PART I (p.294 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Ken L. Pottebaum]

In this first installment of a two-part series, Ken discusses TSR basics and presents the tools necessary to write memory-resident programs. Next month he will put this theory to work.

p.22 KERMIT MEETS MODULA-2 (p.298 in reprint volume 14)

p.22 KERMIT MEETS MODULA-2 (p.298 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Brian R. Anderson]

Modula-2 enabled Brian to implement each layer of the Kermit communications protocol as separate modules and in this article he shows you how he did it.



[author : Bruce W. Tonkin]

Whenever data must be compared in a variety of different formats, data conversion sometimes pays off. Bruce discusses how you perform conversion and what kind of results you can expect.

p.50 TAWK, A SIMPLE INTERPRETER IN C++ (p.309 in reprint volume 14)

p.50 TAWK, A SIMPLE INTERPRETER IN C++ (p.309 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Bruce Eckel]

The data-encapsulation features of C++ let you create more sophisticated programs without adding complexity. Bruce’s "tiny" AWK implementation illustrates this and more.

p.63 QUICKDRAWING WITH XCMDs (p.315 in reprint volume 14)

p.63 QUICKDRAWING WITH XCMDs (p.315 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jay Martin Anderson]

Speed up your HyperCard applications by accessing QuickDraw directly. Jay shows you how — and how to avoid pitfalls when doing so.

p.130 RLE REVISITED (p.348 in reprint volume 14)

p.130 RLE REVISITED (p.348 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Phil Daley]

The run-length encoding technique we presented in February generated a flurry of response, and so here’s another approach to the problem.



p.68 QUICK C VERSUS TURBO C (p.317 in reprint volume 14)

p.68 QUICK C VERSUS TURBO C (p.317 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Scott Robert Ladd]

At first glance, Borland’s Turbo C and Microsoft C might appear to be similar feathers from the same bird but, as Scott discovers, that isn’t necessarily the case. Join him as he discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these two popular C compilers.



p.107 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.337 in reprint volume 14)

p.107 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.337 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Michael Swaine]

It was Robert Floyd's 1978 Turing Award lecture on programming paradigms that inspired Michael’s column in the first place. Now, more than 10 years later, Michael interviews Professor Floyd to see how he and the world of programming have changed.

p.117 (p.115) C PROGRAMMING (p.341 in reprint volume 14)

p.117 (p.115) C PROGRAMMING (p.341 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Al Stevens]

This month, Al builds the engine of a C-like interpreter, which can be added as a script interpreter to his SMALLCOM communications project. Al then follows up earlier columns by adding his two cents about QuickC 2.0, as well as the goings on of ANSI C.

p.124 GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING (p.345 in reprint volume 14)

p.124 GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING (p.345 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Kent Porter]

Viewports not only provide you with a window to the world, they let you define the boundaries of that world. At least that’s what Kent and his dog found out.

p.132 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.349 in reprint volume 14)

p.132 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.349 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Jeff Duntemann]

Typecasting is a problem that has traditionally plagued Hollywood actors, but as Jeff points out, it can be a problem for programmers as well.



p.10 LETTERS (p.292 in reprint volume 14)

p.10 LETTERS (p.292 in reprint volume 14)

[author : you]

p.160 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.367 in reprint volume 14)

p.160 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.367 in reprint volume 14)

[author : Michael Swaine]

p.144 ADVERTISER INDEX (not in reprint volume 14)

p.144 ADVERTISER INDEX (not in reprint volume 14)

where to go for more information on products

p.152 PROGRAMMER'S MARKETPLACE (not in reprint volume 14)

p.152 PROGRAMMER'S MARKETPLACE (not in reprint volume 14)

classified ads

p.155 OF INTEREST (p.364 in reprint volume 14)

p.155 OF INTEREST (p.364 in reprint volume 14)

brief product description