[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito
[author : Kim Kokkonen]
Here’s a technique for swapping a calling program into expanded memory or onto disk —and back —so that a child process can have more free memory. This is particularly useful when one program invokes another says Kim.
[author : Neal Margulis]
Paging is the 80386’s answer to the memory management for multitasking operating systems. In this article, Neal examines how the 386 handles this complex task.
[author : Kent Dahlgren]
Demand paging involves the dynamic partitioning of a program’s linear address space into individual "pages." It comes as no surprise that different CPUs, such as Intel’s 80386, Motorola’s 68030, and AMD’s Am29000 manage pages differently.
[author : Nico Mak]
Nico shares an application-independent method for one MS-DOS program to run another by copying conventional memory to expanded memory or to disk.
[author : Steve Peterson]
Memory fragmentation has given DOS programmers headaches for a long time. Steve prescribes a memory compaction scheme that can spell relief by, among other things, letting you allocate movable memory blocks.
[author : Michael Floyd]
If you've been wondering what object-oriented programming is all about, here’s the place to get started. Mike takes a tour of the object-oriented world, including some of the more popular OOP languages.
[author : coordinated by Michael Floyd]
In this month’s Examining Room, Alex Lane looks at Edward K. Ream’s Sherlock debugger, Keith Weiskamp examines the "C"erious Toolkit from TSR Systems, Bruce Tonkin looks at Crescent Software’s Basic QuickPak Professional toolkit, and Jonathan Amsterdam about the book The Puzzling Adventures of Dr. Ecco.
[author : Michael Swaine]
This month Mike takes a second look at superlinearity and suggests/proposes/demands that computer science curricula begin with courses in — you guessed it — programming paradigms.
[author : Al Stevens]
Al discusses file transfer protocols and adds XModem to his SMALLCOM communications program. To make dialing easier, he includes a phone directory.
[author : Kent Porter]
Kent comes clean this month and tells us how he mixes and matches colors on an EGA screen.
[author : Jeff Duntemann]
Screens sometimes make Jeff scream, or so he says. To keep things in perspective, he launches his "anti-windowing" system, which makes the hardware display a window into a 66-line virtual screen.
[author : you]
[author : Michael Swaine]
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