1987 13.05 1989

Vol.13 n°5 (#139) may 1988

Vol.13 n°5 (#139) may 1988


p.6 EDITORIAL (p.227 in reprint volume 13)

p.6 EDITORIAL (p.227 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Jonathan Erickson] #Edito




p.18 Developing for the User (p.231 in reprint volume 13)

p.18 Developing for the User (p.231 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Robert Carr]

Developing good software is more than just programming and debugging. Carr's eight axioms of successful software delivery tell you the rest of the story.

p.26 Handling Image Files with TIFF (p.234 in reprint volume 13)

p.26 Handling Image Files with TIFF (p.234 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Anthony Meadow, Rocky Offher, and Michael Budiansky]

If you are writing an application that works with bitmapped images, consider TIFF....

p.46 Virtual Array in C (p.242 in reprint volume 13)

p.46 Virtual Array in C (p.242 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Mark Tichenor]

Data arrays need not be limited by available memory. Mark uses virtual arrays with background file management to overcome this problem.



p.122 EXAMINING ROOM (p.273 in reprint volume 13)

p.122 EXAMINING ROOM (p.273 in reprint volume 13)

[author : coordinated by Ron Copeland]

Products examined from the programmer's perspective. This month's offering include PC/Forms tested in C, Soft-ICE, which provides the capabilities of an in-circuit emulator via software, and DE, a "stretched" version of the standard EMAC editor.



p.72 C CHEST (p.255 in reprint volume 13)

p.72 C CHEST (p.255 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Allen Holub]

Allen discusses the benefits of compiling to an intermediate language (postfix) — developing for multiple hardware platforms, merging compiler output, and eliminating redundant code.

p.82 TO THE MACS (p.259 in reprint volume 13)

p.82 TO THE MACS (p.259 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Stan Krute]

Stan takes a field trip to the recent MacWorld Expo. He also has a wrap-up of the Scouting Toolkit.

p.92 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.263 in reprint volume 13)

p.92 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.263 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Kent Porter]

With the help of a special model file — which Kent developed specifically for this exercise — he will demonstrate how to write a Pascal program that reads non-Pascal files.

p.100 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.266 in reprint volume 13)

p.100 PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS (p.266 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Michael Swaine]

This is the premier of a new column: Parallel Processing, Object-Oriented Programming, and a reading list. Enjoy!



p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.228 in reprint volume 13)

p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.228 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Tyler Sperry]

p.12 LETTERS (p.229 in reprint volume 13)

p.12 LETTERS (p.229 in reprint volume 13)

[author : you]

p.14 CARTOON (p.230 in reprint volume 13)

p.14 CARTOON (p.230 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Joe Sikoryak]

p.144 SWAINE 'S FLAMES (p.282 in reprint volume 13)

p.144 SWAINE 'S FLAMES (p.282 in reprint volume 13)

[author : Michael Swaine]



p.136 OF INTEREST (p.279 in reprint volume 13)

p.136 OF INTEREST (p.279 in reprint volume 13)

brief product descriptions

p.137 AD INDEX (not in reprint volume 13)

p.137 AD INDEX (not in reprint volume 13)

where to go for more information on products