1986 12.06 1988

Vol.12 n°6 (#128) june 1987

Vol.12 n°6 (#128) june 1987


p.6 EDITORIAL (p.425 in reprint volume 12)

p.6 EDITORIAL (p.425 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Michael Swaine] #Edito




p.16 ALGORITHMS: An Efficient Algorithm for Large Priority Queues (p.430 in reprint volume 12)

p.16 ALGORITHMS: An Efficient Algorithm for Large Priority Queues (p.430 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Robert Jay Brown]

By deferring decisions about lower-level priorities, this algorithm is able to assign the top priority more efficiently.

p.22 COMMUNICATIONS: Two-Bit Analog-to-Digital Conversion (p.434 in reprint volume 12)

p.22 COMMUNICATIONS: Two-Bit Analog-to-Digital Conversion (p.434 in reprint volume 12)

[author : John Musselman]

How to use hardware interrupts and a demonstration of techniques common in real-time programming

p.28 ALGORITHMS: The XOR Chain (p.437 in reprint volume 12)

p.28 ALGORITHMS: The XOR Chain (p.437 in reprint volume 12)

[author : David E. Cortesi]

The Swapped-Out Intern returns with a technique that exploits a curious property of doubly linked lists.

p.42 COMMUNICATIONS: An Extended COM Port Driver (p.442 in reprint volume 12)

p.42 COMMUNICATIONS: An Extended COM Port Driver (p.442 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Thomas A. Zimniewicz]

Excom is a terminate-and-stay-resident program that gives the IBM PC interrupt-driven buffered input with flow-control selection and support for higher baud rates.

p.50 LANGUAGES: Dynamic Memory Overlays for Turbo Pascal (p.447 in reprint volume 12)

p.50 LANGUAGES: Dynamic Memory Overlays for Turbo Pascal (p.447 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Steve McMahon]

Steve shows how to get around the 64K limit on executable code imposed by Turbo Pascal without resorting to slow disk overlays.

p.54 COMMUNICATIONS: A Unix BBS Using Shell Scripts (p.450 in reprint volume 12)

p.54 COMMUNICATIONS: A Unix BBS Using Shell Scripts (p.450 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Jan L. Harrington]

Jan shows just how she wrote a bulletin board system using Unix V Bourne shell scripts and XMODEM.



p.102 C CHEST (p.482 in reprint volume 12)

p.102 C CHEST (p.482 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Allen Holub]

Allen delves into the subject of priority queues and, in Flotsam and Jetsam, discusses standard #include files.

p.112 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX (p.489 in reprint volume 12)

p.112 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX (p.489 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Ray Duncan]

Ray discusses programming books. He also offers a poor man's MAKE utility and an MS-DOS programming tip.

p.116 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (p.492 in reprint volume 12)

p.116 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (p.492 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Ernest R. Tello]

Ernie presents some examples of object-oriented programming using SCOOPS, an extension of PC Scheme, quot;the Turbo Pascal of the PC LISP family."



p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.426 in reprint volume 12)

p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.426 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Levi Thomas]

p.8 ARCHIVES (p.426 in reprint volume 12)

p.8 ARCHIVES (p.426 in reprint volume 12)

p.10 LETTERS (p.427 in reprint volume 12)

p.10 LETTERS (p.427 in reprint volume 12)

[author : you]

p.14 VIEWPOINT (p.429 in reprint volume 12)

p.14 VIEWPOINT (p.429 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Brian R. Anderson]

p.136 SWAINE'S FLAMES (p.501 in reprint volume 12)

p.136 SWAINE'S FLAMES (p.501 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Michael Swaine]



p.128 THE STATE OF BASIC: (p.497 in reprint volume 12)

p.128 THE STATE OF BASIC: (p.497 in reprint volume 12)

A comparison of user-defined functions in four BASICS

p.132 OF INTEREST: (p.499 in reprint volume 12)

p.132 OF INTEREST: (p.499 in reprint volume 12)

Products for programmers

p.113 ADVERTISER INDEX: (not in reprint volume 12)

p.113 ADVERTISER INDEX: (not in reprint volume 12)

Where to find those ads