1986 12.03 1988

Vol.12 n°3 (#125) march 1987

Vol.12 n°3 (#125) march 1987


p.6 EDITORIAL (p.173 in reprint volume 12)

p.6 EDITORIAL (p.173 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Michael Swaine] #Edito




p.16 BANDWIDTH: Compressing Image Data with Quadtrees (p.178 in reprint volume 12)

p.16 BANDWIDTH: Compressing Image Data with Quadtrees (p.178 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Ronald G. White]

Ronald describes how a quadtree, a tree data structure that can have four child nodes for each node, can be used in a recursive scheme for compressing image data.

p.26 BANDWIDTH: ARC Wars: MS-DOS Archiving Utilities (p.184 in reprint volume 12)

p.26 BANDWIDTH: ARC Wars: MS-DOS Archiving Utilities (p.184 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Russell Nelson]

Archiving (compressing) text files saves disk space and, when transferring files between systems, saves time. Russell compares and contrasts several ARC programs that are available in the MS-DOS world.

p.34 BANDWIDTH: Optimizing Integer Multiplications by Constant Multipliers (p.188 in reprint volume 12)

p.34 BANDWIDTH: Optimizing Integer Multiplications by Constant Multipliers (p.188 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Robert D. Grappel]

A simple and nearly optimal algorithm to speed up that time-consuming operation—integer multiplication.



p.96 C CHEST (p.223 in reprint volume 12)

p.96 C CHEST (p.223 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Allen Holub]

Allen continues the description of his nroff-like text editor, nr. In the Flotsam and Jetsam section, he takes Kernighan and Ritchie to task for their eccentric definitions of some common words.

p.110 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX (p.233 in reprint volume 12)

p.110 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX (p.233 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Ray Duncan]

It's the usual eclectic collection of fun and useful facts from Ray and his readers this month, including sources of information on the 80386 and assembly languages, a hint about writing adapting I/O routines, and a letter from a reader countering Ray's attacks on high-level languages.

p.120 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.238 in reprint volume 12)

p.120 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING (p.238 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Namir Clemment Shammas]

Namir compares three flavors of BASIC: True BASIC, BASICA, and QuickBASIC.

p.126 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (p.241 in reprint volume 12)

p.126 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (p.241 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Ernest R. Tello]

Ernie gives us an overview of object-oriented LISP and talks with some LISP mavens about the future of the language.



p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.174 in reprint volume 12)

p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.174 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Nick Turner]

p.8 ARCHIVES (p.174 in reprint volume 12)

p.8 ARCHIVES (p.174 in reprint volume 12)

p.10 LETTERS (p.175 in reprint volume 12)

p.10 LETTERS (p.175 in reprint volume 12)

[author : you]

p.136 DDJ ON LINE (p.245 in reprint volume 12)

p.136 DDJ ON LINE (p.245 in reprint volume 12)

p.152 SWAINE'S FLAMES (p.253 in reprint volume 12)

p.152 SWAINE'S FLAMES (p.253 in reprint volume 12)

[author : Michael Swaine]



p.138 THE STATE OF BASIC: (p.247 in reprint volume 12)

p.138 THE STATE OF BASIC: (p.247 in reprint volume 12)

A look at how the "new wave" BASICS support user-defined libraries.

p.142 OF INTEREST: (p.249 in reprint volume 12)

p.142 OF INTEREST: (p.249 in reprint volume 12)

New products out there

p.151 ADVERTISER INDEX: (not in reprint volume 12)

p.151 ADVERTISER INDEX: (not in reprint volume 12)

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