1985 11.10 1987

Vol.11 n°10 (#120) october 1986

Vol.11 n°10 (#120) october 1986


p.6 EDITORIAL (p.671 in reprint volume 11)

p.6 EDITORIAL (p.671 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Michael Swaine] #Edito




p.28 PROCESSORS: Programming on the 80386 (p.682 in reprint volume 11)

p.28 PROCESSORS: Programming on the 80386 (p.682 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Ross Nelson]

Ross discusses native-mode operation and performance considerations for the 32-bit microprocessor.

p.40 PROCESSORS: TNZ: An 8-bit lo 16-bit Translator (p.689 in reprint volume 11)

p.40 PROCESSORS: TNZ: An 8-bit lo 16-bit Translator (p.689 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Richard A. Campbell]

How to convert programs written for the Z80 to run on the NS320xx processors.



p.48 LANGUAGES: Modula-2 Compilers for the IBM PC (p.694 in reprint volume 11)

p.48 LANGUAGES: Modula-2 Compilers for the IBM PC (p.694 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Namir Clement Shammas]

A comparative look at four of the latest compilers. Benchmark results are included.



p.22 C CHEST: More, a Pile-Browsing Utility (p.679 in reprint volume 11)

p.22 C CHEST: More, a Pile-Browsing Utility (p.679 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Allen Holub]

Allen shows how to page through a file without bothering with an editor.

p.96 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX: MS-DOS Tricks (p.717 in reprint volume 11)

p.96 16-BIT SOFTWARE TOOLBOX: MS-DOS Tricks (p.717 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Ray Duncan]

Ray and his readers present a variety of helpful hints and more resources for MS-DOS programmers. Ray uncovers an ingenious text-searching algorithm that works in a mysterious manner.

p.104 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING: Factoring in Forth (p.720 in reprint volume 11)

p.104 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING: Factoring in Forth (p.720 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Michael Ham]

Michael follows factoring throughout Forth, showing how good factoring skills are applicable to every level of the language.



p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.672 in reprint volume 11)

p.8 RUNNING LIGHT (p.672 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Nick Turner]

p.8 ARCHIVES (p.672 in reprint volume 11)

p.8 ARCHIVES (p.672 in reprint volume 11)

p.10 LETTERS (p.673 in reprint volume 11)

p.10 LETTERS (p.673 in reprint volume 11)

[author : you]

p.136 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.729 in reprint volume 11)

p.136 SWAINE’S FLAMES (p.729 in reprint volume 11)

[author : Michael Swaine]



p.105 DR. DOBB'S CATALOG: (not in reprint volume 11)

p.105 DR. DOBB'S CATALOG: (not in reprint volume 11)

DDJ products-all in one place

p.126 THE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMER: (p.725 in reprint volume 11)

p.126 THE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMMER: (p.725 in reprint volume 11)

Professional organizations for programmers

p.128 OF INTEREST: (p.726 in reprint volume 11)

p.128 OF INTEREST: (p.726 in reprint volume 11)

Many new products of interest to programmers

p.134 ADVERTISER INDEX: (not in reprint volume 11)

p.134 ADVERTISER INDEX: (not in reprint volume 11)

Where to find those ads